It’s more important to understand someone than to judge them. We think the first step to understanding someone is asking them the fundamental questions about who they are and how they became the person they are today. Understanding and empathy are essential building blocks for a better, more compassionate world. We’re incredibly fortunate to be able to ask these questions each week through our interview series. Below you’ll find inspiring interviews from in and around Ohio.
Karen Koch

Collage is a collaborative process, a conversation between me and the materials. I have to work with what already exists to put the pieces where they best fit. It’s a little like doing a jigsaw puzzle, except the picture on the box is missing and you have pieces from 97 different puzzles! Read More>>
Esperanza Green

I am learning a lot as I go on the business aspect of things. When I am working as a lash Artist and Esthetician, I am in my natural creative flow and it’s not even work. I absolutely love what I do! However, the business side can be pretty stressful. It does not come natural to me. I struggle with ADHD pretty bad and do not like taking the medication therefore this makes it even harder, As I continue to grow, I do want to eventually hire an accountant and possibly someone In social Media or marketing to take care of that part of the business for me. Read More>>
Ashley Best

Something was different, becoming more aware of my surroundings, more in touch with the soul that was drowning in alcohol, I could just stop and listen as the wind would blow through the trees, I could hear words being spoken, words that became lyrics. That’s when I started booking gigs and performing live. Read More>>
Bernard Banaga

Je Suis, which translates to “I Am” in French, is my way of encouraging self-expression. The name itself is a declaration, a reminder to embrace who you are unapologetically. Every piece in the collection is thoughtfully designed with bold, unique elements that allow the wearer to feel confident and seen. Read More>>
William Morrison Iii

Being both my parents oldest child it’s always the most pressure. My mom being from Jacksonville Florida and my father being from Detroit Michigan I was raised with tough love. My mom got pregnant with me at the age of 17 and decided she would graduate early and prepare for the real world. With her being a straight A student at south highschool it was no problem for her. My dad on the other hand was in the streets, getting expelled from south and getting suspended from Marion Franklin he decided to drop out. Read More>>
Matt Lyon

I’ve hit rock bottom with inline skating in 2017 I had a really bad concussion and months later broke both arms in my forearm while attempting to do flips at a skatepark. The concussion made me painfully sensitive to sound for 3 months and when I broke the arm I was hit with real life problems like not being able to work and deciding that once healed if should still pursue my love for skating or settle for a 9-5 type of life, I got deep into yoga at the time and recovered 200% with a better mindset and healthier lifestyle. So I stand here today with 14 screws in my arm and still more motivated than ever Read More>>
Kendra Caines

It wasn’t until I got a place of my own that my family and friends started to notice my gift. I’ve always received compliments on my work. It was something that came naturally to me. I would do small room makeovers at my parents’ home for years, and I also helped my friends when they got their own places. I assisted whenever I could, it always brought me joy. I never imagined it was something that would turn into a business years later. Read More>>
Triratna Manandhar

It all started when one of my friends proposed to open a UPS franchise store and asked me to partner with him. I asked him to wait for a couple of months because I was travelling international, and I told him that we can start after I come back. When I came back from the trip, he changed his mind because he didn’t see much earning potential until we open multiple franchise stores. This was back in 2022. I was hooked by then and started researching online. Read More>>
Randy Overbeck

None of the accomplishments I have achieved have occurred without having to overcome challenges. In my career in education, I have lost my job twice, a not uncommon fate when you speak truth to power. As difficult as this was–at one point I had a wife and three young children and no projected income–I found each time this obstacle led me to a better, more rewarding position, though I don’t want to diminish the anxiety and angst I had to manage to get to the other side. Read More>>
Vaishali Shukla

As an Ayurveda student – It was a struggling journey to study and understand sanskrit verses from Ayurveda textbooks and at the same time studying Morden anatomy and physiology books in first year. From the second year, got accustomed with it and studied Ayurveda and modern books combined, trust me it was real fun! Cutting things short now, later years went well and completed my internship, cleared PG entrance exams and got admitted to college for doing my Masters. Completed my thesis, research in 3 years, took exams and then my masters got over too and I am filled with gratitude for the same. Read More>>
Tiera Briggs

I was struggling financially, as paramedics have historically not been paid very well, and I decided that if people loved my baked goods so much, then I should start selling them. So I started practicing and sold items to friends and family members as I honed my skills. I started getting more orders through word of mouth. Eventually I felt I had outgrown my home kitchen so I started looking for a retail space. I found one in 2019, but we could not agree on lease terms so that fell apart and I’m so glad it did. I do not believe I would have survived covid as a brand new startup. Read More>>
Clint Planck

In 2020, amid the pandemic shutdowns, I became even more determined, continuing to train with a few bars and dumbbells, a makeshift bench of wood and cinder block, and items around the house like trash cans filled with water. My dad brought the handmade pieces of our old home gym to our garage and the second Cement Gym was born. I focused on my nutrition and lost 100 pounds. I began putting on muscle and started competing in bodybuilding competitions. Read More>>
Madison Geroski

I grew up in Ohio loving art and studied Fashion Design at Kent State University where I studied abroad in Florence, Italy, as well as in NYC. While studying in New York City, I interned for brands such as Victoria’s Secret, Tibi and Tracy Reese where I did everything from sourcing trims in the fashion district to dressing models behind the runway during Fashion Week. I quickly learned that New York City would be the best next stepping stone for me to launch my Fashion Design Career and moved there after graduating with my Fashion Design degree. It was an adventure I took on with four of my friends I graduated design school with. We hustled our way freelancing until we all found our first real full time jobs. Read More>>
Cecil Holston Ii

I am a licensed mental health therapist. I specialize in anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief. I am known for working with adolescents, young men, and men. I am most proud of being a black male clinician also known as “the black unicorn.” When I first became a therapist, I didn’t understand the impact of being a black male clinician in the mental health field until I began to embrace that title. I believe that continuing to show up for my clients while meeting them where they are at in their lives. Also, I am transparent and genuine in my approach in therapy. Read More>>
Brenna Venturella

Crafty B has not always been easy, but it has been worth it. I overcome my challenges by reminding myself of the progress I have made since the beginning and the possibilities that lie ahead. A few lessons I have learned along the way is to give yourself a due date for every project you begin and charge for your time. Those who want to order custom-designed items will understand and respect your prices and turnaround time, or they aren’t worth the stress. Small businesses thrive from positive reviews left on business pages and word of mouth by fellow small businesses and customers. It is crucial to remember to shop small before ordering from big companies and support someone’s dreams! Read More>>
Shannon Cromer

In May of this year, I faced another turning point when I was laid off from my previous job. Rather than seeing it as a setback, I took it as an opportunity to fully commit to my passion for real estate. Since then, I’ve been working full-time in the industry, and it’s been an incredible experience. Each day presents new challenges, but I embrace them with the same strength and determination that have carried me through everything else. Read More>>
Mk Lebeaux

He made coins appear from behind my ears and from out of thin air! Although I can picture the moment, I’m not certain who that was. Some say it might have been Shawn Eric or Cellini. Either way, those events played a huge role in developing my interest in magic and the variety arts. My first magic book (which I still have) used to belong to Bill “The Amazing” Shaner, an escape artist and magician. His wife Sandy used to operate Abracadabra Costume and Magic Shop in Dayton. Read More>>