Today we’d like to introduce you to Sarah Gormley.
Hi Sarah, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
My story has several chapters, but the current chapter is by far the most exciting. I opened my oh-so-creatively-branded art gallery, Sarah Gormley Gallery, in 2019 after long career in corporate marketing. Opening a gallery had been a dream of mine since my Grandma Cameron bought me my first piece of original at when I graduated from DePauw University many, many years ago. The artist, Matt Wenc, was a classmate of mine and the sale was his first. I felt something magic happen in that moment – when an artist feels so passionately about creating something, and somebody else loves that creation so much they want to buy it (or ask their Grandma Cameron to buy it!) – and it’s one I’ve never forgotten. The opportunity to help create such moments is the greatest privilege. Yes, I sell art…but I broker joy. Who’s luckier than me?
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The older I get the more certain I am that nobody’s path is straight…or smooth. It’s all potholes and gravel out here, and I can’t think of a better way to learn what really matters to you. I’m not a natural entrepreneur, so I had to learn to overcome a ton of self-doubt and healthy (healthier?) risk-aversion to bring this dream to life. The gallery business is unpredictable, and you have to build up the emotional and financial stamina to survive periods when sales aren’t quite so good. Fortunately, I’ve had fantastic mentors in other, more established gallery owners in Columbus who have been generous with their time, insights, and support. Their encouragement and the experience of four years in the business helps diminish some of the fears or doubts I imagine every entrepreneur experiences.
The other thing I have to mention without sounding too woo-woo is how much therapy has helped me create the life I have today. I’ve found that working with a therapist has radically improved how I see myself and other people, and therefore, how I show up in the world – both personally and professionally. I believe where I am vs. where I started (ten years ago!) is in no small way a direct result of the emotional work I’ve done. In general, nobody wants to hear about your dreams or your therapy, but I believe if you’re looking to change the direction of your life, therapy is a great place to start.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
The thesis of SGG is that owning original art can be a source of joy for everyone, from first-time buyers to established collectors. What that means is that the minute you walk though the big, beautiful front doors, you are treated with kindness and respect no matter who you are and regardless of the depth of your pockets. I’m intentional about my roster and am committed to an array of artists, mediums, and price points to enable those first purchases. To date, I’ve sold work to 49 first-time buyers which is a data point I like to celebrate. I’m also exceptionally proud of the new space I helped design at 95 North High Street, which I’d argue is one of the most beautiful galleries you’ll ever have the chance to visit. We’re downtown, and right next to Speck which is about to become your favorite restaurant. Great art and amazing food: welcome to downtown Columbus!
We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you.
My two favorite hashtags are #lucky and #grateful! Don’t get me wrong, I worked my butt off in the corporate world which afforded me this opportunity for a second career – that’s definitely true. And I continue to work as hard as I can for my artists and clients. But it’s also true that I wouldn’t be where I am today without some type of special powers or the universe aligning in just the right way, at the right time. Most of that luck has shown up in the form of other people believing in me and the vision for SGG. My move downtown was truly a testament to so many wonderful things about Columbus: a diverse community of people who care passionately about art, an abundance of amazing artists, and commitment from visionaries like Jeff Edwards who enable and support the cultural and economic growth of the city I’m lucky to call home.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.sarahgormleygallery.com
- Instagram: @sarahgormleygallery
- Facebook: @sarahgormleygallery
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gormleysarah/
Image Credits
Kate Sweeney