Today we’d like to introduce you to Lorie Kleiner Eckert
Hi Lorie , we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
How Making 12 Quilts Led to Writing Five Books
Newly divorced after a twenty-one-year marriage in which I was a stay-at-home mom, I decided to turn my hobby of quilt making into a paid profession. I planned to make a series of quilts and then take my show on the quilt lecture circuit.
I was a very good quilt technician, but not the greatest quilt artist. In order to compete, therefore, I started to make quilts with words pieced into the design because no one else was doing that. Thus I would stand alone in my field.
So I made a dozen quilts-with-words. And after doing so, I realized that the quilts worked together to tell the story of self-acceptance and that it was a message for all sorts of audiences, not just quilters. Thus I started to call myself a motivational speaker and I marketed my program to every sort of group from PTAs to Procter & Gamble.
Over a ten-year period, I spoke to more than 250 groups – and over 22,000 people – in 11 states.
During that time, I submitted a manuscript to Pelican Publishing Company. It was NOT a pattern book of my designs, but instead was an adult picture book sharing the motivational message of the twelve quilts plus images of the quilts.
Thus, my first book, With This Ring I Journey was published.
Good news! Audiences liked my program and wanted me to come back to talk again. So I created another twelve quilts-with-words. This time the quilts worked together to tell the story of having the courage to say yes to life!
Pelican Publishing Company liked that message too, and thus my second book, Get Quiet and Listen, was born.
At this point I realized I enjoyed writing, so I started to write a slice-of-life column aimed at those who were single in midlife. I syndicated the column to regional newspapers across America. My columns had a similar message – life is difficult, but you can handle it. And my columns, like my lectures, used the same M.O. – I told the stories of my life hoping others could glean life lessons from them.
Pelican Publishing Company liked those stories too and thus a compilation of them, I Need a Man’s Pants to Wash, was published.
Really enjoying the writing, I next wrote a memoir of reinventing myself after the loss of a loved one. I called it Love, Loss, and Moving On. I couldn’t find a publisher for it, so I self-published.
Now I was the author of four books!
My business coaches told me I needed a website to promote the new book and that I needed a way to get readers to my website. Thus I started to write a slice-of-life blog twice a month. At this point, I was 65-years-old and I thought I was writing for other baby boomers. But as it turns out, my slice-of-life stories are popular across many age ranges.
After writing 125 such blogs, I compiled the most “evergreen” of my stories and submitted them to publishers as a gift book. You know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, with this book each 1000-ish word story had a one line takeaway and each one-liner was illustrated. Thus a book with thirty-six stories, likewise has thirty-six full color images.
Bancroft Press loved the project and my new book, my 5th book, will be released April 1, 2025. It is called Chai on Life, Unpacking Everyday Wisdom: Stories of Vulnerability, Strength, and the Human Heart.
Thus I started out making twelve quilts which ultimately led me to writing five books. They led to a lot of other successes too. And for all of this I am grateful for the lesson learned – just keep on keeping on.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
There are always struggles in life and this journey has certainly had some. Most obviously, as I submitted to publishers, I had to be ready for a lot of rejection. And it definitely came my way. But I held on until I found publishers who could share my vision.
Additionally, as a creative, I always compare myself to other creative folks. And you know what? I really like the stories (and the quilts) I turn out. I see others hitting it BIG and I want to as well.
Having started as a motivational speaker in 1994, I like to joke and say that I am soon to be an overnight success – after only 30+ years of trying! My fingers are crossed that Chai on Life will be a big best seller!
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am primarily a writer but also a quilt artist. All of my work is motivational in nature. I work as a cheerleader to remind you that you can handle what life throws your way.
I am a person who finds life lessons everywhere I look, and I tell other people about them in my work. I do this with the quilts I make, with the motivational lectures I give, with the syndicated – and award winning – column I have written, with the five creative-nonfiction books I have in print, and with the blogs I currently write.
The most unique thing about me is the quilt art I have created. (My designs are available – printed out on fine giftware – on Etsy.) But my writing voice is also unique. I am very chatty in my writing. I want the reader to feel like I am talking to them and them alone.
I am very proud of all my work and amazed by it too. One day at a time, and one small step at a time, I have accomplished a lot.
What does success mean to you?
All of this professional stuff is great, but none of it is going to be written in bullet-points on my grave. Instead, a headstone will give me these accolades: I was a good mom, Marmel, and friend.
In honesty, all I ever wanted to be was a mom and I have accomplished that. I have three adult children and ten grandchildren. (As you may have figured out, my grandma name is Marmel.) They all live within a five mile radius of my house and I am with one or another – or all of them – several times a week.
Several of the grandkids are also writers. I joke that they think, “If Marmel can be a writer, anyone can!” Perhaps the reader of this story will feel that way too! If that is the case, yes, you can! Go for it!
- $17.99 – Chai on Life – on Amazon
- $18.95 – Love, Loss, and Moving On – on Amazon
- $5.00 – $225.00 Quilt Giftware – LorieKleinerEckert.Etsy.com
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.loriekleinereckert.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loriekleinereckert/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loriekleinereckert
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorie-kleiner-eckert-6a790238/
- Twitter: https://x.com/LorieKEckert
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@loriekleinereckert2996
- Other: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LorieKleinerEckert