Today we’d like to introduce you to Daniel Ross.
Hi Daniel, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I came to Columbus from Cincinnati with 55 cent to my name in the middle of a pandemic and have built a media platform that has grown to flourish in those 2 years. Nerdy Dan Films LLC was started by me Daniel Ross I’m from Cincinnati original and I moved to Columbus on a leap of faith with my vision of being behind the camera in full focus. I’ve grown to build my business through the sacrifices of establishing myself having come up here with nothing originally and I use my story and my business growth as a way to inspire others that they can grow and achieve on their own if they just stay driven
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No and yes. To be a new kid on the block comes with its challenges at first, I had to really is a task to get out your comfort zone and interact with people from different places you’re not from. It wasn’t hard though to be able to though as I thought because I had my vision in stone. The sacrifices I had made from going to work and being behind the camera were always in the way. It’s days that I know I still have a regular life as well as a business but you have to know what comes first and how to keep all ducks in a row the right way. Having to stay on the foundation of the saying “Passion over Poverty” which means in my eyes stay clear to your passion keeping it close to your heart because that’s your way out to build your legacy. It’s not always about get money or shooting what’s “popular” it’s about the passion within the craft.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Nerdy Dan Films LLC I’m one of the fastest-growing sole media brands to build in the past 2 years. I’ve done work for Classic for Columbus as the social media camera op. Also worked with keynote individuals ex. Vivica A Fox Omarosa Lil Scrappy 50 Cent Butch Reynolds, etc.
I’m most proud of how far my passion has gotten me.
What sets me apart from the rest is just me as a whole we are all similar but we aren’t the same we are our own individuals with are own unique callings and passionate but if I had to say it would be my ability to express myself
What’s next?
I’m planning on expanding my brand throughout the Midwest and the rest of the country and the world.
Contact Info:
- Email: Nerdydan513@gmail.com
- Instagram: Nerdydanfilms
- Twitter: @nerdydanfilms
- Youtube: Nerdy Dan Films