Today we’d like to introduce you to Antwan Booker.
Hi Antwan, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I actually started out in Detroit Michigan when I was 12 years old. I found myself writing lyrics while I was in class and at home listening to my favorite groups on the radio and watching music videos. At that time, I didn’t know how much of that would be a part of my life. So, one day my father asked me before we moved to Arkansas what is it that I would like to do I told him I wanted to get into the recording studio. He made that happen for my first composition. So, after we eventually move to Arkansas after creating my first soundtrack of ‘Free At Last’ representing African Americans, I continued to pursued my music in El Dorado, Arkansas. I went to high school there at the time. So, I was part of every talent show that my school of ‘Smackover High’ would put on. I became a class artist favorite, when it came to showtime for the school. So, after graduation I continued to pursue talent shows, open mics, and karaoke for fun. I found myself opening up for Bushwick Bill of the infamous group (The Getto Boys) Benito Glosson, put on the show as the host, who was the backup singer for MC Hammer. From there on I pursued different types of compositions throughout my life becoming a member of ASCAP opening up for ‘Little G’ of The infamous grou Silk. I continued to build my library of currently over 360 lyrics written. And since then, have release my fourth album on multiple streams.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It definitively has not been a smooth road because anything worth having is worth pursuing. And when you pursue something that is your passion it becomes more challenging. It’s not always what you see on television, it’s not easy to get there as it was when you haven’t been chosen out of the crowd to be the face of an industry. So, rejection came along with trying to get deals and it still does. With LaFace records, So So Def records and Sony, it’s been a memorable journey. I still have the letter from LaFace & So So Def records, by the way. So, as I get closer to my goals I may end up with a bad production or an engineer dropping off, or streaming platforms not doing what they are supposed to do. Which in turn, turned into a lawsuit against, Spotify. Learning to manage your income coming in and going out managing your copyrights and your affiliates it’s a lot.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Well, I am multifaceted, since I’ve moved to Georgia from Ohio I not only sing, write and arrange but I act and write. So, I am a screenwriter as well as a lyricist. So, I would say my specialty is in writing because I think outside the box, I am unique and creative and I like to do things that no one else has done or at least try in the craft of entertainment writing. I am definitely proud of the ideas that come to me as a great creative artist, who writes his ideas does in the middle of the night, lol. So, the things that set me apart is because I am my own individual and when I write for anyone else, they will know that it came from me…as my stage name is: ‘Vocol’. My acting professional name is Antwan Booker? I can take anybody from acting or a music production and create a style around them that fits them like Pharrell does or Timberland does or even R Kelly did. And I can write 90% of any genre out there with ease, and I can do it in a short span of time!
In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
I see myself writing, producing and directing within the next 5 to 10 years. I want to be in the same space with tier actors and major artists as well as have my own production under “Noise Room Productions”. I plan on networking more and basing my work throughout regions of the South East, West and North East, areas as well as branching into other cities and states that aren’t getting the recognition they deserve. I am going to be a brand that people remember.
- $100 an hour for lyrical creations
- $0.00 available upon request for screenwriter to be sold or written
- $0.00 my music can be found on multiple streaming platforms.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.vocolmusic.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/vocolmusic
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scorpio1120
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/Vocolmusic
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/VocolBScorpion
- SoundCloud: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0L22qzaK7H0MmuaXVMTGtx
- Other: https://www.n1m.com/vocol