Today we’d like to introduce you to Rita Suzanne.
Hi Rita, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am a single mom of four who is now focused on helping other moms avoid business burnout.
My business officially started in 2014 but there were many events that led up to that big leap. In 2007 the real estate market was struggling and my boss asked me to take on marketing to help increase the revenue of the company so I learned Illustrator and Photoshop as well as diving into updating our website. I always loved fixing problems so learning these new skills was exciting.
Then in 2008 while I was working at a commercial real estate company in southern California, my dream of becoming a mom finally came true after five years of infertility.
I was so in love with my son and being a mom that I would often cry when I would leave him at daycare. I then started my mission trying to figure out what I could do to be at home with my son.
When I got pregnant with my second son with no medical assistance, I was overjoyed but wanted to be home with my sons. I was able to take off 18 months to be with my sons while my then-husband supported the family solely. I was happy but also trying to figure out my next steps so I could be home with them.
Shortly after I had to go back to work. Every day during my commute, I would listen to podcasts like Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield, Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn, and others.
I would take my trusty notebook out and make plans on what I could do. I ended up deciding that I would teach myself web design because everyone talked about needing a website. How hard could it be?
I worked with two clients and it was a lot harder than I thought. All of the sudden, my husband got laid off. I approached him and said I wanted to start my own business.
And since he was going to be looking for a new job, he could just do that in Ohio because obviously, we couldn’t live in California on one income for very long. And that was when we took the leap.
I started out designing websites for clients and then added on branding after realizing it was a necessity. Although I am a good designer, I always wanted to teach and make a larger impact.
During the eight years of website design, I moved across the country twice, got divorced, and got remarried, and my youngest son started having seizures.
But in January 2020, I discovered my second husband was being unfaithful. Two weeks later, my baby sister passed away. Then the Covid restrictions kicked in so then I was at home trying to sift through my grief, heartbreak, and homeschool simultaneously.
In May 2020, I filed for my second divorce and for custody of my two nieces.
My life changed so much that my business had to pivot right along with it. I have transitioned into coaching on branding and marketing strategies for moms to help them build a business that will support them while establishing realistic boundaries and leaving mom guilt behind.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
It has been a very different road. If we are following along, we will see that while going through my personal struggles, I was trying to figure out what I could offer and how to continue to get clients. Because of the stress and overwhelm, I dealt with depression and anxiety. I over-delivered and undercharged just to keep food on the table.
In 2021 I came up with the name Mom Owned and Operated. After discovering it was available, I decided that the first thing I wanted to do was start a podcast and interview other moms.
I needed to reconnect with them but also figure out how everyone else was able to do it. I needed them.
On my sister website, momownedandoperated.com, I have resources to help other moms like a free business Directory, podcast episodes to help other moms, weekly networking, and a private support community. All exclusively available for moms.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
My work now is so important to me because I am providing the support to other moms that I desperately needed. I needed someone who understood that I was overwhelmed and felt like I couldn’t get ahead. I needed someone to help me remove a lot of the unnecessary things from my business and life. I needed someone who was going to give it to me straight with no sugarcoating. And I needed someone who understood that the hustle mentality is not sustainable, especially for moms and women in business. That is why it is important to me to do what I do for as many moms as possible.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
I had a troubled upbringing as well. I am the oldest of five children who grew up in a poor household. Our mother was a single mom working several jobs so I had to step up to the plate and take care of everyone. I wanted to be in sports and extracurricular activities but I was not able to do so because my mom needed me. I would say that I was always responsible but also had a desire to do more and better.
- $5 for weekly networking
- $9 for members only support group
- $1,500 for a 12-week group intensive
- $4,000 for 12-week intensive coaching
- Courses and products at varied price points
Contact Info:
- Website: https://ritasuzanne.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theritasuzanne/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theritasuzanne/
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/theritasuzanne
- Other: https://shop.ritasuzanne.com and https://momownedandoperated.com/