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Meet Mary-alice Brown of Activated Fitness

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mary-alice Brown

Hi Mary-Alice, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I was 19 and just gave birth to a beautiful boy, to look in the mirror and notice my body diminished in a matter of 3 months. Now, to some women, that’s a dream, but for someone who was always stacked, literally since middle school, I was in tears. I was blessed by genetics and played sports year round since 5th grade, so my body couldn’t help but develop early, even before I was able to appreciate my femininity. Definitely took it for granted back then but that experience catapulted me to where I am today!

After drying up my tears, I went to my mom and asked, “Is this what happens? Is this life?”, in total disbelief! She goes, “girl, just eat and workout, it’ll all come back”. The only thing I enjoyed were my girls (every mama loves their girls during pregnancy and breastfeeding phase 🙌🏾) and the snapback, the waist was definitely waist-ing!! Everything needed built from the ground up.

That’s what started it all! From that point on, heavy research, ongoing nutrition tweaks, crack-of-dawn gym days, and heavy lifting commenced. I finally got my body back after many “fresh starts”, which was better than before thanks to these mom hips. During my journey, my friends and family had front row seats to my evolution. They started coming to me for advice, questions about training & nutrition, which ultimately lead me to training them.

I was born a leader, but took the back seat throughout early childhood and my teenage years because my voice wasn’t loud enough, so taking the lead and guiding others through health & wellness literally revived me! Witnessing others fall back in love with themselves caused me to recognize my passion within this industry. I made the decision to go back to school to further my education and obtain the credentials I needed to expand my reach.

I graduated in 2016 with my certification in Personal Training and the rest is history! Starting out with one-on-one sessions allowed me to build interpersonal skills and refine my approach to connect with my clients on a personal level. Whether you’re a private client or come to my group classes, I try to build a personal connection that is felt on both ends, making the results much more satisfying.

Within the past year, I’ve set out to master another fitness modality, Pilates! Getting certified from the phenomenal @junglejohanna (Instagram) expanded my horizon and is currently taking me to new heights. I combine my 8+ years of strength training experience with the balance and control of Pilates to form a Mat Pilates class that’s one of a kind at the beautiful Pearl Studios in downtown Columbus, OH.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Creating anything authentically with the goal of longevity is always presented with challenges. The juggling act was/is my main challenge. Motherhood, entrepreneurship, and self-care have all took hit throughout time. If I was killing it in motherhood while focusing on my needs and nurturing myself, my business was upside down. Or any combination, take your pick.

Throughout my growth, I thought every aspect of my life had to be equal to be balanced, ultimately chasing something that is an illusion. Until I learned that balance is different for everyone and that I’m able to manipulate my energetic percentages to feel balanced and whole, I was running myself ragged.

We all strive for balance in our lives, whether we notice or not. My mantra “Take time to learn your flow” was birthed by me taking my time to learn myself so I could flow through life’s waves, not being crashed by them.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Activated fitness, the brand, was created in 2023 after knowing I wanted to expand my reach outside of a gym setting. Currently, I offer one-on-one private sessions, group strength training, and mat Pilates classes.

I have a unique training style that produces timely and long lasting results. Combining Olympic strength training, resistance & functional training, Pilates, and yoga flows. My style is unmatched!

Activating the fire within, which is the guiding light to living a fuller, more confident existence. I specialize in guiding women back to their center by way of health & wellness.

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
If you are interested in working with me, collaborating or supporting my business, you can reach me directly;

Instagram: @Activated.Fitness


  • Personal & Group Training – FREE CONSULT
  • Pilates Classes – $20 drop in

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