Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa LaBanc.
Hi Lisa, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I have been an entrepreneur involved in many different businesses and ventures over the last 30 years. I started my first business shortly after I graduated from college out of my parents’ laundry room. I was inspired by my father, and he has supported me in just about every venture I have undertaken. Business in any form or fashion has always been exciting to me. Today, I still own and run the first business, PSI. Running PSI has had its ups and downs over the last 30 years, but it has been the source that has allowed for so many other opportunities over the years. I will always remain dedicated to PSI, however I am always looking for diversification and growth opportunities.
Over the years, I have open and run several successful businesses and some, not so successful with great lessons learned. Besides loving starting and running businesses, I also have a huge passion for seeking out the best sources for mental and physical wellness. About 15 years ago, I read the book The Secret and since believe that everyone needs to read and understand what manifesting can do for them. My belief in the law of attraction has become something I want to share with everyone. Which was the main reason I opened a one of its kind fitness studio, Elements Fitness Studios. Elements is the culmination of my devotion and love of all these things, business, fitness, mental well-being, and the power of positivity & manifestation. Elements is a boutique style fitness studio that offers yoga, cycle, climb, bootcamp, barre and other fitness classes and wellness workshops in a beautiful state-of-the-art facility. Elements also offers some peaceful outdoor settings that include a yoga deck, a patio and a fire pit area for relaxing or meditation. Additionally, our unique studio has a wine license because sometimes relaxation requires a glass of wine.
In addition to running PSI, Elements, and a small property management business, I am currently a partner in 2 very exciting new brands! ArbOUR Products LLC, which has just launched an amazing line of green household cleaners and laundry detergents that are people+pet+planet safe! (Check us out at www.arbourproducts.com) Remove current sentence And StellaVia, LLC which has created a high-end line of CBD products for woman. This brand will launch at the end of September.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Peaks and Valleys! Starting up any new venture is very exciting. But it is also very challenging. It takes dedication and determination to start and run a business and not just in the start up phase. Every business big or small will have ups and downs throughout the life of the business and I have certainly faced my share of adversity in all of my businesses. In my career as an entrepreneur I have learned that nothing is fair, in fact “fairness” does not exist in the world of business. I have learned that I need to believe and trust in myself and my capabilities even when I feel defeated. I need to block out the negativity and views from non believers and stay committed to my beliefs. Surrounding myself with like minded, positive people has been imperative for me.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I absolutely love to hear about other entrepreneurs’ ideas, businesses, and success stories. I welcome opportunities to collaborate and partner up in joint ventures to help bring others and my own visions to life. As soon as I hear an idea my wheels start turning. For me, there is just some kind of spark that ignites inside and drives me to from venture to venture. I can’t get enough.
Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
HHave fun and surround yourself with like-minded positive people. Opportunities are everywhere, and everything was once was just an idea in someone’s head. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.psiproductspecialists.com; www.elementsfitnessstudios.com; www.arbourproducts.com; and www.stellavia.com
- Instagram: elementsstudiocle and arbourproducts
- Facebook: @elementsfitnessstudios @arbourproducts