Today we’d like to introduce you to Harlee Hornsby
Hi Harlee, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I’ve been an artist since I could hold a pencil. School was even difficult for me because I would draw instead of paying attention in class, and I would find myself doing art projects instead of my homework. When it came time to apply for college, I felt that the only way I could make a decent living in the art world was to pursue a career in Graphic Design. Tattoos were always interesting to me, and I definitely wanted quite a few, but I grew up being told that industry and people were the lowest of lows.
For many years I stayed in the digital art world and even ended up working for my church as one of their main designers. As fun as graphic design can be, I unfortunately was very quickly burnt out and started to lose faith in my purpose. For months I questioned if I should step down from my design position at church, the one place I felt my talents served my purpose the best. One day I was getting tattooed by Jeff Kees who, coincidently, goes to the same church. I told him that I was considering leaving the graphic design world and asked him what a tattoo apprenticeship would entail. I then weighed my options of where I was at the time in my current career and where I could be if I took the step to pursue tattooing.
A few weeks went by, and I think God was ready for me to step out of my comfort zone because Jeff, who was not planning on taking an apprentice any time soon, had reached out to me one evening asking if I was interested in learning the trade. Since it can be very difficult to land an apprenticeship (especially with a good artist) I took this as my sign.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
This journey has not been easy. I’ve had to very quickly adapt to how this industry works and find out what is best for my business and myself, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
My biggest struggles included my mental health. As a child I wrestled with abandonment from my father, depression, and anxiety. Strangely enough, all of these issues reappeared within the first year of tattooing on my own. Therapy, psychiatry, and community have been a staple for me.
I want to be a listening ear for others who have had the same journey. This job gives me the perfect opportunity to be a light in time of darkness, and I am reminded daily that I am fulfilling my purpose.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a HUGE fantasy lover such as Lord Of The Rings, Zelda, and the fantasy book genre. I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons for about 5 years, which oddly enough has helped my creativity for drawing my own designs that I want to tattoo.
I specialize in black and grey, blackwork, and engraving, with the occasional pop of color every now and then. Lately, I have been focusing a lot on creating designs that represent book characters in popular series such as ‘A Court Of Thorns and Roses’ and ‘Throne Of Glass’.
What sets me apart from everyone is probably the nerdiness and my ongoing knowledge of J.R.R. Tolkien facts.
We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
I believe success is different for everyone. For me, I prefer to use “fulfilling”.
Like I stated previously, I struggled with knowing whether I was living out my purpose. I knew from a young age that my art and talent would have to be used for something important, I just didn’t know what exactly that would be. I now get to create permanent pieces for people to display to the world, whether it’s a memorial piece or just simply a whimsical design. We only have these bodies for a short amount of time, and if I can give someone a permeant art piece that either motivates them or keeps them alive because they see it daily, then I have reached “success” and I am fulfilled.
- $200 per hour for larger pieces
- “Flash” pricing is determined by size and placement
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harleetattoos/