Today we’d like to introduce you to Gina Oberfoell
Hi Gina, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I am a retired RN that worked in a trauma ED for many years and at the end of my nursing journey
(during COVID) I worked in Home Health. I found many people were struggling with being organized due to the amount of clutter in their homes. I decided to start my business and focus on functional organizing to help people organize their spaces. I help people with decluttering their spaces from things that they no longer use and find new homes for these items for people that can use them. I interview my clients before the organization process to find out how they “organize”. I then help them organize their spaces in a functional way that is maintainable and usable on a daily basis. Everyone is different and it is important to figure out a method that works for each client so they can maintain their stuff after I’m gone.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I had no idea the ins and outs of being an owner of a small business. I didn’t know anything about social media posting ( besides Facebook posts everyone does) this is a constant thing and you need to be creative, which I am not! I had to make my own website- ugh! Networking is a must for small businesses!
The bookkeeping is non- stop! These things are all a part of it and it has made me grow as a person.
Do I sound like I hate it? Well, I don’t. I love being a Home Organizer!
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Ducks in Row Organizing is a Home and Business Decluttering and Organizing business. I emphasize the decluttering first because it is the most important step in the organizational process. I always offer a free consultation with my clients to discuss the space they want organized. I discuss how they want to use the space. We talk about how they function in their space on daily basis. This helps me understand how to help them get organized and maintain it. I try to help my clients understand how being organized is beneficial to their mental health – less stress, their wallets- buying less, their time- less time spent looking for items. Helping my clients achieve an organized home is so rewarding because it truly is healthy for everyone.
I offer decluttering and organizing for: kitchens, pantries, garages, basements , closets, offices
I offer assistance with clients moving as well : pre-packing for a move / unpacking in a new home for a fresh start.
Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
Networking with other small business owners is helpful. They are going through the same things and it helps to talk to people about your situations because they understand and possibly they can help you get through the problems you’re dealing with. I was worried I was the only one having “my problems” and I was wrong.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://ducksorganizing.com
- Instagram: @ducksinaroworganizingl.l.c
- Facebook: Ducks in a Row Organizing
- LinkedIn: Gina Oberfoell
- Other: @ducksinaroworganizing1