Today we’d like to introduce you to Daniel Anderson.
Hi Daniel, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
My story begins in the year 1999; where me and my parents moved from Illinois to Northern Kentucky to raise me. Lived in Kentucky all my life really, there was a time after I graduated in 2013 and moved back to my hometown for about 2 years. Moved back to Kentucky in 2015 and been in the tri-state area ever since.
Now the time I was back in Illinois something told me to start writing music and so I did. Before ever going to a recording studio, I filled four notebooks with songs just to get my craft right. So, once I got back to Kentucky, I was ready.
Ran into some guys that I grew up with and it was up from there. The more songs I made I could hear the progression in my flow and cadence; in a way it was like the hunger got greater and greater because I feel as if I’m almost to my prime but not just yet.
Starting making music on a professional level in 2018. I have one mixtape (Guilty Conscience) and 2 EPs (Cutt Different) & (Trap Sound) all of which are on platforms, jus type in “Cutt Boi Wormm” and everything should pop up automatically. I am currently working on a new project called “The Villain.”
I am also a new business owner of my own Record Label called CBG Music Group, LLC; with myself as the first recording artist. I can’t complain about the journey that I am on, it all started out as fun but now it’s time to get to work.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road is never smooth. Been through a lot since I was 17. The death of my mother, being homeless, broke, nowhere to go. It’s what made me stronger and the person I am today. No one wanted any of that to happen to me but it’s life I can’t control what will happen at every moment of the day because all humans move differently and think differently. But I can say the road is getting smoother, especially with my firstborn coming into this world.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
For now, I deliver furniture for Watson’s Furniture, nothing too special. I specialize in Marketing Sales but that’s just another skill that I acquired along the way of meeting the right ppl.
I’m set apart from others because I keep pushing regardless of feelings and opinions; this is my life and I have to do what I need to do in order to complete the goals I have planned and ready for myself.
We’d love to hear about what you think about risk-taking?
I’m a moderate risk taker if that make sense. I take risks when the time is right; when it comes to my responsibilities those have to be taken care of first, once it’s time to focus on my career I’ll spend my last on the right ppl to make sure I’m using my money the right way. Of course, you have to take risks, especially for your dream or career because you will miss out on a lot of things that you will regret.
Contact Info:
- Email:
- Instagram: @thareal_cuttboi
- Facebook: CuttBoi Wormm
Image Credits
Jennifer Wolfe Eli Photography