Today we’d like to introduce you to Elisa Brown.
Hi Elisa, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Rewind several years back to an aside conversation with Andrew. A conversation that has now led to years of work, houses full of completed projects, and countless hours spent working side by side with my sweetheart in the barn. A conversation that started because of the talent that Andrew has in woodworking and my need for creative expression. A conversation that has not only built “things” but has also built a stronger marriage – and now many more lifelong friendships. A conversation that resulted in the creation of our business – Old Soul Woodworking.
It probably seems strange that two young parents who held demanding full-time jobs would venture out on a new journey. We were certainly busy people with our two little boys tromping around. So, why? The answer is multifaceted, but boils down to three core reasons:
1) The love of woodworking is in our blood. It is certainly fascinating that some of our best memories of our grandfathers from our childhood are so similar. I could talk for hours about my “Grandpy” and his love of building and woodworking. Similarly, Andrew has many pleasant memories of his “Gramp” tinkering around in the “shanty”. The time they spent on their hobby and the beautiful resulting work was the perfect display of passion for two observant and curious children who were watching their every move. Some evenings, the smell of sawdust takes me right back to some of the best memories of my beloved Grandpa and the time I spent with him. I hope that we are making them proud by continuing in their footsteps and I pray that we leave this venture with a few fewer scars.
2) I firmly believe that you have to keep working on your marriage as the year’s pass. This venture is a way we are strengthening a relationship that we both cherish. So, every single night after our little boys is tucked into bed, we head out to the barn to be together. The cell phones are nowhere in sight, the shows remain unwatched, and we talk. We talk about our days, we talk about the boys, we laugh, we work on ourselves. I can’t describe how important it is for us to work together. We refuse to grow apart and are so lucky that we both enjoy doing something that fits together so well.
3) I want our boys to understand the importance of hard work and not be afraid to fail. I want my boys to see us working together and doing something different. I want them to have positive memories of us working in the garage that they can retell someday. I want them to know that going after a passion is what life is about. So, although we are extremely cognizant of the time we put into this separate venture and make sure we are not taking away valuable time with them, I want them to have role models who show them that “The only things you’ll regret in life are the risks you didn’t take.”
That conversation on our back porch swing has led us on the most unexpected yet amazingly beautiful journey. We started with pop-up white tents, moved to permanent structures, opened a brick-and-mortar shop, expanded into an adjoining building, and now have a larger mission to reenergize our small Village. Our mustard seed of a business has taken root and we are sharing those blossoms with everyone we can.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Our business feels meant to be. The pieces of the puzzle came together so organically that I have no doubt it is divinely orchestrated. However, with that being said, all new pursuits come with struggle, questioning, insecurity, self-doubt, and sometimes even tears. Nothing in this life is perfect. But we have approached this venture with the same foundation through which we approach our lives – and that is with deep-rooted faith.
Now looking back, I would say that opening a brick-and-mortar shop six months prior to the global pandemic was our biggest challenge. But, now, like many other things, I think that was just part of the story. In those months, we held onto our faith, found creative ways of connection, and never lost sight of the dream.
We work hard, play hard, pray hard – together as a family – and that combination helps us navigate any obstacles along the way.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Our little shop is an experience. It is not only full to the brim of handcrafted and carefully curated pieces, but more importantly, it is full of love, friendship, laughter, and that small-town feel. When people walk in our doors, they are greeted with a warm smile, a beautiful shop filled with seasonal items, and even a hug if they need one. We want people to find quality items in our store that become favorite pieces in their homes or special gifts for someone they love. So, to answer your question, I think that we are known for our hearts. At least that is what we strive for every single time someone walks in the door.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
First and foremost – to God be the glory. We are using the talents that he gave us and treating people the way we feel is right. We try to be good stewards of all the gifts we have been given while having fun, thinking creatively, doing our best work, and staying ahead of the curve.
Contact Info:
- Email: ebrown@oldsoulwoodworking.org
- Instagram: oldsoul_woodworking
- Facebook: @OldSoulWoodworking42