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Hidden Gems: Meet Brooklynn Pastoria of University Tan & Spa / NoFilter Salon

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brooklynn Pastoria

Hi Brooklynn, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I have always been very independent and knew that I wanted to create my own “something” to help, inspire, and run on my own. I was always selling something, candy, duck-tape wallets, chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day, etc. I started the nursing program at the University of Akron in 2019, then Covid happened which made my college experience all over the place. I was not in a comfortable position to dedicate myself to school at that moment. I did not have the easiest or most comfortable childhood, and I knew deep down that there was a whole world of opportunity outside of the box I was in. Looking back, it was very beneficial to grow up the way I did. I learned many lessons at a young age that separated me from my peers early on. I always had a plan I just needed a platform.

While I was in school, I started going to a tanning salon across the street. I only worked one job since I was 16 at a grocery store. I asked the salon if they were hiring, and they said no. Three months later in June 2020, they reached out and asked if I was still interested in the job. I began working there for minimum wage that summer, but I loved it. After a year or so, I became the manager. The owner was very busy with his other businesses, and I started taking on full responsibility. Payroll, scheduling, hiring, taxes, etc. I have always been a very aware and observant person. Since I was a child, I started to separate the things that I wanted to take with me through life, and the things I wanted to unlearn. I just never knew how far I could go because I could not see past my high school years. Eventually I was running this business by myself and it felt like it was my “baby”. I knew everything about it and had many intellectual conversations with the owner. Every so often he would pop in and talk to me about life, business, credit, his inspiring story, all the things that I never saw for myself at one point in life. It all started to click in my head that I wanted this for myself. I was blessed to meet someone who gave me free game and knowledge because he was so comfortable in his own position that he did not mind mentoring me.

One day someone came in to check the building out and I asked him if he was selling it. It was a failing business, one of his firsts that he just did not have the time to pour into anymore. When he told me he was selling it I blurted out that I wanted it. I was in no position to own a business, financially or mentally. I was transitioning from a juvenile mindset to a woman at this time, He laughed out loud and said, “You don’t know what it takes, you will have to leave a lot of things behind to start this new life”. I took a leap of faith and told him I was ready. For the next two years I worked every single day and started making changes to the business. I worked to pay off this business until June of 2023 when he felt his business was accounted for.

I booth rent to independent contractors who provide their own services. I did not just want to be on the “landlord” side of the business though. I have been interested in beauty and skin since a child. I took it a step further and finished esthetician school this year. I will be providing those services in my salon along with my best friend who is also a licensed esthetician. We specialize in corrective facials and relaxation facials. We are also looking for people to booth rent and join our team!

For that year and a half, I had so much personal growth, I became not necessarily a new person, but the person I was always meant to grow into. I knew what I wanted for myself and for the people around me. I lost sight of it a few times, and it felt so far away at times, but he held up his end of the deal.

Ever since then I have learned every single lesson in business in a very raw way. There is something so motivating about having to figure it out on your own, failing and getting back up. I also took another large risk and opened a second salon with my knowledge of the first one. It felt right and I will dedicate my all to both salons! While my business is still fresh and I have so much more work to put in, I can confidently say that I am bearing the fruits of my own labor. That is not always money or popularity. It is transformation, mental growth, expanding your knowledge, bettering your character and so on. The biggest risks are the ones that you do not take. Sometimes things feel so far away but never lose that vision. It is not about the end goal; it is about the ride there. I would not feel satisfied if it was just given to me. I enjoy everywhere this business journey takes me and that is the biggest blessing of it all. I know that one day all my efforts will fully pay off and I can sit back and look at my creation and determination. I enjoy where I am right now, I love watching all the baby steps work me up to greater picture! From customer to employee, manager to owner, you can do anything you desire in this world.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It has not been smooth but that is the beauty of it all. If it was smooth, I would not have gained any knowledge. I prefer the road less traveled because if you want different you have to be different. I appreciate all of the self-teaching that I go through. Not only does this journey expand my business knowledge, but it expands my personal knowledge. I learn information that was never taught in school about how to navigate through real life. “It’s always something” comes out of my mouth every single day, but nothing is more satisfying than working through that problem and knowing that I have gained the tools to get through It when I come across it again.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about University Tan & Spa / NoFilter Salon?
Both of my salons offer all things beauty. We have licensed nail technicians, cosmetologists, makeup artists, estheticians and more. We offer tanning, airbrush spray tanning, makeup, eyebrow threading, sugar waxing, facials, nails, hair and more between both salons. My goal was to make a one stop shop. Although everyone is an independent contractor, we are a team. My goal is to help everyone build their small businesses up inside of my small business. We all represent each other and recommend each other to other people! We also do quarterly food drives and donate hygiene items to our local foodbanks/ shelters. I want everyone to experience luxuries and give back. As my business progresses and stands more on its own, I would love to expand within the city and do more give-back events. I want to build a community of women supporting each other all while pampering themselves.

What does success mean to you?
Most people deem being rich and popular as success. I just want to be comfortable in life and be myself. That is how you attract people and spaces that are for you. Success is free time, being financially free, treating yourself to the experiences that you held off on, to build your business. Time is the most important thing that we have. Being able to have free time to take care of myself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually is so important to me. Success is being able to give back to the people who supported me, believed in me, and stood by my side when all of this was not physical yet. Success is choosing to set yourself apart from what everyone else is doing and developing your character. Success is remaining humble because you know where you come from. Lastly, success is freedom, giving back in any way that you can, inspiring others, and working through all of the obstacle’s life throws at you.

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