Today we’re excited to be connecting with Goldstar747 Sarah J Preston again. We’re excited to feature one of their products in our gift guide – learn more below and we encourage you to use your gift budget to support small businesses & creatives whenever possible.
Goldstar747, thanks for joining us again. We’re so excited to have a product focused conversation today. Can you bring our readers up to speed on the product side?
Heaven Plugs Crystal Cleanser ™️ Heaven Plugs Crystal Candles ™️
Both work to clear your energy of debri and induce a positive life changing energy that is clean pure and energetically high frequency.
They also help to manifest prosperity, radiate love energy and healing energy.
Do you have any interesting customer success stories you can share about folks for whom your product was a great fit?
I have a client in California, she said the crystal candle worked almost immediately. She was having issues in her marriage and she wrote down her intentions, lit the candle and noticed her husband became more loving and released 3rd parties in their relationship.
The products are gokd for people who have gokd intentions towards others, but if not , well it may cause a – effect instead.
So Mostly expect positive results.
How do most people hear about your product?
Through collaborations with partnerships, book stores and tik tok, youtube , voyage magazibe and instagram.
What’s next on the product or brand roadmap?
Look for these candles and bath soaks to be at a store near you and one of your favorite celebrities gushing over the crystal cleanse bath soak. !
- Website: Heavenplug com
- Instagram: Instagram.com/heavenplug747
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