Today we’d like to introduce you to Tasha Moore.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
How did I get started, and how did I get to where I am today? Wow, that’s a loaded question. For years, I ran a nonprofit organization for teen and younger college-aged girls. It was my heart. My husband’s job required us to relocate, and although I tried to continue the organization from a different state, it proved to not be feasible, especially once I knew I would be a mother. I decided to just focus on being mom to my son, my firstborn. I told myself that once he was two, I’d go back to figuring out what I was supposed to be doing. Well, before he turned two, there I was unexpectedly pregnant. I had just gotten accepted to enter a Bible College and I was ready to get back focused on me…but how? With two children under the age of two, there was no way. However, as soon as I found out I was having a girl something in me shifted. I knew that I needed to figure out exactly who and what I was meant to do and be. I couldn’t fathom bringing a little girl into this world without giving her a good example to look up to and learn from. That mindset shift sent me on a journey of prayer and self-examination. During that time, I began to understand that purpose was not at all what I thought it to be. God truly showed me a different perspective. I was then inspired to write devotionals about my journey of discovering purpose. Then, like a light switch, I could clearly see that I was meant to help other women gain a new and different perspective on purpose. I realized that if I had this struggle, there had to be other women struggling in the same way. After publishing the second edition of my devotional planning journal, I knew that I had found my sweet spot. That was it. I realized that helping women discover, define, plan and pursue a life of purpose was what I was meant to do in this season of my life. Having already been a minister for nearly twenty years, I figured ministry was the way in which I would do that. I embarked on putting together a women’s retreat for twenty women. I wanted to try out this vision and curriculum, that I’d come up with. I wanted to get feedback from women I could trust to be honest with me. After the retreat, I hit the ground running, reaching out to women, creating a community, and running workshops based around the fifteen essential areas I knew helped me figured out purpose. In the midst of that, my kids were growing, and I began to ask myself how I would explain God to them. I knew that I wanted to make it simple. I knew that I simply wanted them to know that God loved them, and I wanted them to understand the simplicity of His love. Again, like flicking a light switch gives us immediate light, I knew I could use my love for writing to write a Christian children’s book that would give myself and other parents a simple explanation and tool to lead their children into salvation. Fast forward to the pandemic, I published a boy and girl version of this book, and it had great success, especially given the limitations. There I was living out purpose. I was doing virtual workshops and simultaneously selling Christian children’s books. As time progressed in the pandemic, I realized I wanted to fine-tune my skills and I took a leap of faith. I entered a coaching program. I knew that becoming a certified coach would give me the guidance I needed to work with the women that seemed to be drawn to me. I completed that training, fine-tuned the already existing curriculum, adding worksheets and activities, and creating an accountability group. Almost two years later, here I am, a Christian Life Purpose coach working with amazing women, helping them fine-tune their purpose and grow closer to God at the same time. Did I mention that I published two more Christian children’s books? I now have a four-book series and more to come. Additionally, because of my love for prayer and how essential it is to my coaching program, I teamed up with my cousin and created a prayer candle line. So, that’s the journey to me. I am a Christian Life Purpose coach, a published Christian Children’s book author, and creator of the Prayer Purpose candle line. It’s all me, it is all the umbrella of my purpose. I have no intentions of limiting what God can and will do with and in my life. That’s the key, knowing that purpose is all-encompassing of allowing God to use all of you. That’s my commitment, to let God use every talent, passion, and gifting I have to bring glory to His kingdom and draw as many people to Him as He allows. So, to directly answer the question of how I got here…I let God position and use me for the things He created me to do and be,
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
This road to purpose has been curvy, bumpy, and full of uneven terrain. Listen, I have no understanding of what it means to have a smooth road (LOL), or a straight road for that matter. It seems that as soon as I nearly reach the completion of a goal, I always encounter opposition or life simply hits hard. The summer of 2019 my grandmother, who I was extremely close to unexpectedly passed away. It hit me hard. Then, my father-in-law passed away almost a year later after years of a battle with Parkinson’s and other health issues, and in the midst of a pandemic. My husband and I have faced unexpected moves, job difficulties, and financial hardships. The most recent and difficult was that in early 2021 my husband was diagnosed with a rare form of testicular cancer that would wind up requiring three rounds of chemotherapy and two surgeries. Although we are still dealing with lingering side effects and recovering from the financial strain, I am pleased to say he is cancer-free. However, in the midst of his cancer journey, we discovered that my son had a fine motor delay, a minor sensory processing disorder, and anxiety associated with the aforementioned things. Additionally, my first-ever mammogram called for an ultrasound and additional mammogram to be sure I was in the clear. Then, my yearly physical sent me to the endocrinologist who, after a thyroid ultrasound and biopsy, reveals that I need to have my thyroid removed. I remember him asking me what I thought. I simply looked at him and said I can’t. After explaining that my husband was in the midst of chemo and there was no way that I could do that, he immediately said that we could follow up in January of 2022. He did not believe it to be urgent. Praise God after following up, there was no need to remove the thyroid. So, yes there have been and are still struggles along the way. I refuse to allow my faith to be shook. I may have had to move some deadlines and budgets may have changed, but the call and purpose of my life remained the same. I focused on my husband and my children, but when things subsided, I continued to coach, publish books, and create a candle line. Delay does not mean denial. It is simply a gift to fine-tune what you have and who you are so that when the time is right, you’re ready to run your race and win.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Tasha R. Moore, LLC?
Tasha R. Moore, LLC is an overarching umbrella of Purpose. There are three platforms you will currently find within Tasha R. Moore, LLC. The first platform you will find is Christian Children’s Book. The four-book series is titled “Moore of Daylon and Destin” which is a great play on the family last name and inclusive of my children’s names, who are the main characters in each book. The series is a fun way for children to learn practical life lessons AND learn about the love of God. The second platform is the Prayer Purpose Candles candle line. There are six fragrances inspired by ingredients used in anointing oils. These traditional ingredients are paired with some amazing and complimentary modern-day fragrances, creating unique blends that enhance your prayer atmosphere. The candles are not just prayer candles by name either, each candle order is accompanied by prayer cards written by me and other fellow prayers warriors. Lastly, you will find the platform of Christian Life Coaching. My niche is Purpose Life Coaching. Within the coaching platform, I offer Temperament Assessments. These assessments are uniquely created to help the client gain a deeper understanding of who and how they were authentically created to be. The assessment help to differentiate between one’s personality, character, and temperament. I also offer one on one Purpose coaching or group Purpose Coaching. I am most known for the group coaching aspect. Right now, the client favorite is my 8-week Purpose Challenge. Within that challenge the clients get 2 devotionals with coinciding activities weekly, a thirty-minute individual coach call each week, a bi-weekly group coaching session, Wednesday morning prayer, and access to the accountability group. I love the group aspect of coaching because I see the ladies form a sisterhood. I see them supporting one another, praying for one another, and holding each other accountable for the goals they set. It’s an atmosphere and experience like no other. I think what sets me apart in the well-saturated field of coaching are a few key things. Firstly, I unapologetically base my curriculum around the Word of God. I apply practical things like goal setting, planning skills, and journaling but at the core is what God said. I don’t think you will find another coach that is praying for you the way I do. I mean I am laying you and your goals before the Lord and praying with you both in the group and individually if need be. I believe that level of prayer is the second thing that makes my program special. Lastly, the community of ladies that you have access to is just amazing. These ladies will push you to greatness. If no one else in your life believes in you, this group gives you the support you need, and really, it’s the support we all seek. At the core of my coaching program, I want people to know and understand that purpose is not one big thing. Purpose is all the things that you are and seek. If we could all just grasp the concept that if we live life, and I mean every area of life with purpose, we’d all be better for it. At the end of the day, we are all looking for that “higher calling”, that one big thing we’re meant to do or be that makes us special. However, if we never shift our mindsets to fill every space of our lives with intentional purpose, we’ll never even begin to wrap our minds around anything greater. What am I most proud of you ask? I am most proud of the fact that God has allowed me to build a legacy for my children and goddaughter (the illustrator for the children’s books) with the book series. I’m also proud that I’m still here. Truly, I am proud that God has kept me, and I have continued to bounce back from every obstacle and storm that has come my way.
What does success mean to you?
I’ve come to understand that success is about finding joy in the consistent pursuit of purpose. It’s not about reaching the goal. Sure, I consider a goal reached as a successful achievement, and even better is the ability to reach that goal in the time frame you set for yourself. In my experience, that timeline was often not met, and I found myself feeling like a failure. I came to realize that my success is in the ability to stay on the path and not deviate from the goal but finding a new way to achieve it. There is no success without consistency and resiliency.
- Children’s book range from $6.99 to $20
- Purpose Prayer Candles start at $18
- Temperament Coaching is $150
- One on One coaching starts at $100/hr
- 8-week Purpose Challenge $997
Contact Info:
- Email: contact@tasharmoore.com
- Website: www.tasharmoore.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachtasharmoore
Image Credits
Royalme Photography