Today we’d like to introduce you to Stephanie Heeb.
Stephanie, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
At the age of 18, I started my first administrative assistant job and exceeded expectations quickly.
After 5 years, I outgrew my position and the company and took on a new exciting role at another company with more room for growth. After working my way up to an Executive Assistant role and supporting leaders in the corporate world for 6 years I was told that our division was closing and the entire department would be laid off. I was fortunate enough to get plenty of notice (1 year) but I was still nervous about my future. I had only worked for 2 companies, was promoted several times, and loved my jobs so it was a hard pill to swallow when I was told I had to find a new job. In the months leading up to my last day, I started working with and supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners on an hourly, as-needed basis to start saving extra money since I wasn’t sure what my future would hold.
It was during this time that I realized there was a real need for flexible, hourly assistance but it was hard for people to source quality and trustworthy individuals to fill that need. After some serious thought, I decided I wanted to attempt to fill that gap and YourChoice Concierge was born. I ended up being offered several other positions within the company before I left but decided to grow YourChoice Concierge and do something I was truly passionate about–providing support & solutions that help people succeed or make their lives easier.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It definitely hasn’t been easy. I’ve sacrificed a lot of time with family & friends over the past 4 years to get YourChoice Concierge where it is today. I essentially had no personal life, working a lot of unpaid hours and late nights to prepare the business for growth. As difficult as it was getting started, it was worth it. I’ve seen the work pay off over time and the business continuously grow. If I hadn’t prepared ahead of time by creating systems and processes that helped us as we expanded, it would have made growing the company a lot more challenging and less successful.
As you know, we’re big fans of YourChoice Concierge. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
We know that not everyone can afford (or needs) full-time assistance. Our solution…assistance by the hour! Available as your life demands, within your budget and aligned with your objectives. YourChoice Concierge was created to help people breathe easier, reach their goals faster and live a life they love. We’re your productivity boosters & stress reducers. We provide flexible, hourly personal and administrative assistance. We cover a wide scope ready to help with long-term assistance, last minute needs and temporary support. Anything from growing your business by calling leads or creating processes & procedures to making your life easier by running errands or providing property management support. A one-stop shop for delegating! It’s all about YOU.
Our services are customized to each client based on their support needs and with team members located all over the United States, we’re available for on-site & remote support. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and our focus on client relations makes working with YourChoice Concierge a unique and high class experience. We don’t succeed unless you do! With month-to-month and a la carte services we know we must prove our value immediately to keep your business. We take a structured approach to partnering clients with someone they’re able to form a valuable relationship with. Partnerships are based on these important factors–specific skill-sets, experience or other predetermined requirements, schedule/availability & personality. Some people might see an assistant as an added cost, but wise ones see them as an investment. Delegating certain tasks can actually be a savings tool rather than an expense. What would you do if you had hours added back to your day? Someone to help keep you sane and happy? YourChoice Concierge can help put your worries to rest & become your productivity booster & stress reducer.
Who else deserves credit in your story?
I would have to say my family, friends and most importantly my son. They all encouraged me from the very beginning and pushed me to keep going when I wasn’t sure I should or could. The YourChoice Concierge team members also deserve a TON of credit. They are dedicated and their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. YourChoice Concierge wouldn’t be where it is today without every single one of them! All of our clients, past and present also deserve a shoutout! Most of our clients are small business owners, entrepreneurs and just busy individuals that are constantly working hard and doing what it takes to build a life they love and it’s not easy! Their determination to succeed and meet their goals is truly inspiring.
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