Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Franceska Jones.
Hi Dr. Jones, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My story! I am blessed to be able to tell my story, and I believe it will help someone else. I have not always had that type of confidence and resolve. This developed over the years, and learning to trust God’s plan for my life. I am originally from Cleveland’s Buckeye/Shaker neighborhood. I have been blessed with two hard-working parents that made countless sacrifices for me to have a better education. I grew up in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, because of my parent’s quest to provide more opportunities for me. While growing up, I felt like I lived between two worlds. I did not have the same lifestyle as many of my classmates, and outside of school, I still spent time in parts of Cleveland and with others that did not have some of my same opportunities. That has always kept me grounded, focused, and aware of the realities of the world that I lived in. As a result, I have always gravitated towards nonprofits, community service, and serving others. Growing up, I was blessed by many nonprofit organizations, like SEMAA, IMHOTEP, and many others, that gave me a safe place to go, learn, and enrich. Unfortunately, many of those organizations no longer exist or operate with fewer options due to funding. That stuck with me as I matriculated through my education.
While at The Ohio State University, I struggled to find my passion. I lessoned people around me about what I should do. But those things always felt wrong. That was a difficult time, trying to find my passion, all while working many hours at various jobs to pay my bills and stay in school. I was a victim of the “middle.” My parents weren’t millionaires; they couldn’t just pay for my education with one check, but they were still a two-income household, excluding me from many supports and aid. So, I had to work and find a way to get an education. But thanks to some internship experiences with the Secretary of State, I began to understand what made me angry about the world and what made me feel good about the world. I saw the life of serving others and working to make their lives better.
I returned to Northeast Ohio and decided to go to John Carroll University to get a master’s degree in Nonprofit Administration. I wanted to know how nonprofits were structured, operated, led, and grown. That was the best decision, I received an impeccable education while learning some critical life lessons. I was the first in my immediate family to get a graduate degree. I lacked much of the social capital my White counterparts and others seemed to have. I struggled to connect and needed more support from the community around me. I reached out to many of the same organizations that I remembered from my undergraduate experience, but they still need to provide help with graduate school. Through my family’s support and faith in God, I made it through.
That experience prompted me to work in nonprofits that served youth and higher education institutions. I knew I needed to be the light for those that looked like me. Representation matters! During that time, I decided I needed to be in a position to lead these institutions and needed to get more experience and more education. I decided to attend a historically black college and university (HBCU) for my doctoral studies. I was looking for more support because I would be the first again in my family to pursue a doctorate. I attended Morgan State University, and that was the best decision! I felt supported and more confident. Yet, there was much to learn. Through these times, I documented my journey.
Now I have a unique combination of work experiences and education, what next? I felt constrained working with one employer or one organization. I need to multiply my impact. My husband and I started a successful virtual tax preparation business in 2014. So, I already had a taste of entrepreneurship and knew I needed to move into full-time entrepreneurship. I founded Jones Consulting Firm in 2022, where I develop and inspire individuals, nonprofits, and leaders to be the best version of themselves! I have a book published this spring that covers all I learned as an African American scholar in graduate school. I am making the impact I have always wanted by serving others and telling my story!
Would it have been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I have not always had the most support from parts of my family or people that claimed to be friends. But once I affirmed my relationship with God and understood what he has for me, I can embrace those who support me and pray for those who don’t. I have and continue to run into institutional racism and sexism. Daily microaggressions and sometimes microaggressions. These are teaching moments; I am Dr. J for a reason! I am here to prepare and serve others even when they don’t deserve it.
In my current sports philanthropy and nonprofit fundraising field, I run into many old ways of doing things and what I call “Stinkin Thinkin.” On top of that, I am typically the youngest in the room. Those I work with, or even some of my clients, try to devalue my work and expertise because I am a woman or Black. Some do it knowing, while many others do it unknowingly. I have come a long way. I am confident in what is in me.
As you know, we’re big fans of Jones Consulting Firm. For our readers who might need to become more familiar, what can you tell them about the brand?
I am the President and Principal Consultant at Jones Consulting Firm. I have been blessed with a unique set of skills. Keen business sense, I can do all things nonprofit, and I am an educator. I am helping the growth and sustainability of my community and beyond by proving my expertise to scholars, nonprofits, and coaching leaders. I have done some significant research on alumni giving through my dissertation. I have published a few articles, and I have a book called Conquering Graduate School, a practical guide tailored toward African American students, released this June. I have been tasked with giving my knowledge right back to the community. Jones Consulting Firm serves all, from someone with an idea for a nonprofit to professional athletes looking to give back to their community. My brand is what I am most proud of, developing and inspiring people to be the best versions of themselves.
Jones Consulting Firm specializes in nonprofit fundraising, education consulting, and career development training for professionals.
Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
Growing up, I was teased by kids at school and even my family for being petite, skinny, and intelligent. I had a teacher in sixth grade that opened my eyes to my possibilities. My parents were super supportive and allowed me space to find my niche. My grandmothers gave me an equal and healthy dose of strength, honesty, and faith. I have been blessed. I come from a large family on both sides. I had so many examples of faith-filled women around me. I have so many aunts and uncles, cousins, all-powerful and strong in their regard. I take them with me in all that I do. Like I previously stated. I noticed early on in life that not everyone lived the same way. I was in girl scouts as a kid with some that lived in mansions and had clothes and toys for days. When I returned home, I noticed the significant difference in my three-family houses. I thank my parents and family because I never found myself envious. I just wanted to work hard to have different circumstances, not just for me but for others. I strived for good grades in school; I worked hard to be the best runner in track and musician in the band. Work ethic is something that is in my blood. All that I am is because of my parents and God!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.thejonesconsultingfirm.com
- Instagram: @thejonesconsultingfirm
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/franceskajones/
- Other: www.taxsolutionsinconline.com