Today we’d like to introduce you to Michael Barth.
Michael, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My Story starts with how I was raised. My mother is the backbone and rock of our family. Working two jobs, being a full-time RN, taking care of all the daily home needs, and not only raising me and my two brothers by herself but also my stepfathers’ kids too. He didn’t provide much in the way of a husband and father. She instilled the work ethic and grit in me I have today. I never had much of a role model father figure in my home life, but I always had good men to look up to from friends’ parents, and mentors.
Growing up, I was never naturally talented or skilled at much of anything. I played football and wrestled throughout my school years. I met my high school football coach, and many things changed for me. I was always a rough kid getting into fights and having a chip on my shoulder. He (football coach) taught me mental toughness and also shaping me to make my own path.
I always worked since I was 16. First, it was weekends at a breakfast restaurant; then I was selling knives for some marketing company. Then I was serving pizzas while doing both other jobs. I always have had that ‘hustle’ and ‘grind’ about me.
After high school, during the following summer, I waterproofed houses by hand with my coach and other football buddies. I found my new career shortly after this on good old Craigslist.com. I reached out to a local plumbing company and put in 8 years of hard work before I went and got my State Plumbing License.
My story starts to get sweet now as I met my Wife and her beautiful daughter. She retaught me Faith which I had been missing most of my life.
I started a company with a good friend of mine that had been my plumbing mentor and taught me most of what I know. Within three years, we were a success with multiple trucks on the road and a crew of young men. I recently decided to leave the company I helped build to try and grow as a businessman and plumber. I felt like it was time for a new start with new people. I joined Pro Service Plumbing as a Master Plumber and have been helping build this company up these last couple months.
Sorry for the book! 😂
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Growing up in my household there was a good amount of mental health issues and alcoholism. I learned early on that maybe I wasn’t special, but I didn’t have the mental issues some of my family had. A lot of domestic issues, sometimes police involved, kept me wary of how I wanted to shape my life. I wouldn’t say I was an angry kid, but there were a lot of aspects of aggression and needing to prove myself to people.
This combination led me to a lot of fights. When I was 14, I was in an altercation with a man at a gas station and ended up in Juvenile Detention for a night and house arrest for a month or so. Although I learned a lesson, that didn’t do the trick.
As I dove into my career headfirst and added skills and value as a plumber, I started to mature.
While my 20s were great to me, and I learned more about myself than I ever knew, my mental health was back to starting to decline. I’d always been in decent physical shape, but mentally I felt I needed to do more.
I joined a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy when I was 28 to help with mental and physical fortitude. As of now, my struggles are trivial compared to some.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a Plumbing Contractor/Foreman for Pro Service Plumbing. I specialize in running the plumbing system for high-end project jobs in either residential or commercial buildings. I’d like to think I specialize in new construction or renovations. I’m known for teaching young tradesmen this craft, team building, and stepping up to whatever it is that needs done. I’m proud of the name I’ve built for myself in this community. Honesty and integrity are what set me apart from others.
Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs, or other resources you think our readers should check out?
I consistently listen to a few podcasts: Joe Rogan for entertainment
The Build Show, Make Trades Great Again for career tuning and knowledge.
Bjj Fanatics to keep me up in the BJJ world.
Avid reader of fantasy fiction to keep my creativity alive.
Staying in constant communication with other plumbers throughout the Instagram community is one the biggest underrated resources out there.
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Image Credits
Josh Weigel