Today we’d like to introduce you to Justin Rissmiller.
Hi Justin, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I began my journey into entrepreneurship a little over a decade ago while I was working full-time at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. At the time, I was employed there as a sustainability coordinator for the Russ College of Engineering & Computer Science. During this time, I also began to develop an interest in helping others develop themselves online through online branding, design and SEO. While employed there, I was able to network and establish many positive relationships with a large number of both faculty and staff. Many of these people operated their own businesses and participated in other projects while maintaining employment at the university. Over time, I began to develop my freelancing side hustle and started assisting my colleagues with marketing and growing their small businesses online. This started off small, but eventually grew into being more of a full-time endeavor. Eventually, there came a time where this was recognized as more of the path in life that I desired and so with that said, after about three years of working in higher education, I decided to take the ultimate risk. I cashed out my retirement, accrued leave and left my position at the university to start my own web agency.
I started my own digital agency effectively known as T&R Solutions in May 2014, where I focused on marketing small and medium-sized businesses via digital web design, SEO, and social media. To say it was a struggle at first would be an understatement. I had a rough first year or two with gaining and retaining steady web clients. I worked day and night for a few years, operating solely as a one man team. I completed cold calls, went to networking events, volunteered my time and so on until I was able to secure two large contracts in 2016, which changed everything and helped me fully establish my business. This certainly gave my business its proper footing and credibility.
With the successes that I experienced that year, I determined to expand out my business. When a musician friend of mine moved out to Las Vegas in 2016, I kept in contact with him. By this time, I was just wanting a vacation and some time to finally relax after slaving away the past few years and so on a random last-minute decision,
I decided to take a road trip out west to visit him. During my time there, I was able to experience so much, especially with my friend who was playing in an active band out there. Things really started to pick up for his band, but they really needed management and marketing help. While there, my friend convinced me that I could do the same thing that I do with businesses, but for his band and possibly others. I decided to take his confidence in me and use my time out there to help manage his band and tour.
Upon my arrival back home, I decided to take my business even further. I started a division to T&R Solutions and named it T&R Recordings, operating as an independent label and publisher and began doing the same thing I have done for businesses, but this time for musicians and indie filmmakers.
During the next few years, revenue stayed steady and so during that time, I was able to put forth much funding into growing the label side of the business, as well as begin to play music more myself and start my own band, which I eventually did. My band’s name is Back Alley Pep Rally, and we are still going strong today.
Since then, I have made it an objective to maintain business and communications out west and I usually travel to Las Vegas multiple times a year. I currently now manage a total of 14 different bands (one being my own). My company also distributes music and the label now has a total of 59 releases out. My label has also booked and completed 17 tours for the artists.
During the last few years up until now, I have been on tours with my band, have been maintaining and growing the record label, as well as maintaining and growing my parent company, T&R Solutions. What started as a small web design company, has grown to so much more in 10 years and it continues to grow today.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I certainly struggled being a new entrepreneur at the time. I operated as a one person team for the longest time and with limited funding, it took me a few years to get things off the ground. Even with those struggles, I don’t regret a single thing.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a man of many trades that all combine together though in some way, shape or form. I am a small business owner who runs a digital marketing and design agency called T&R Solutions. I am also the proud owner and operator of independent recording label T&R Recordings as well as its publishing arm T&R Solutions Publishing. On top of that, I am also a touring musician and session musician. I consider myself pretty versatile overall and that’s what I am always most proud of myself at.
What matters most to you?
My overall fulfillment in life and happiness. That is definitely what matters most, because what is a life worth living if you aren’t actually living and doing what you love?
- • Web Design (Depends On Many Factors): $500-$2500
- • SEO: $500-$2000 (Pricing Varies)
- • Social Media: $250-$500 (Pricing Varies)
- • Audio Engineering: $500-$2000 (Pricing Varies)
- • All pricing varies based on the project, but above are some example ranges in the pricing.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.tandrrecordings.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tandrddp/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/t&r-solutions-define-design-progress-
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/tandrsolutions
- Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/TandrUsTRddp
- Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/t-and-r-solutions-define-design-progress-fairborn
- soundcloud: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6D8DmwXlOqwUgKH2zfwRmU
- Other: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinrissmiller