Today we’d like to introduce you to Emily Kloss.
Hi Emily, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I spent the first 15 years of my career working up the corporate ladder, finally landing as a Human Resources Business Partner; the whole time, I was heavily involved in health and wellness outside of work as a CrossFit Coach and Holistic Wellness Coach. I lost my job when the pandemic started, and I decided that I would never go back to a corporate career. I have been working to create Flows & Grows ever since. Plants have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember – I don’t think I could have a business that didn’t include plants in some way. The combination of plants and yoga is a match made in heaven!
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Definitely not a smooth road. I was never expecting to be on this road. When I lost my job, I had no direction, no concept, and no idea what I was doing. I have been teaching myself every aspect of business by trial and error. It’s all been one big, beautiful struggle. Everything from becoming a yoga teacher, learning how to market a business, the ins and outs of social media, creating a team of teachers, working through a leasing process for the first time with lawyers, getting rejected for bank loans, and figuring out how to scrape together money to open on my own, understanding the tax processes and all the financial background parts of a business… more than anything the biggest struggle is to constantly, daily, no matter what, take at least one step forward – it’s a mindset of never stopping, always believing and doing whatever it takes.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Flows & Grows is a yoga studio inside a plant shop. The space and concept itself is really what sets us apart from other studios. The addition of plants in a yoga studio makes for an incredibly grounding and relaxing experience.
Aside from creating this whole thing from nothing, I am most proud of my Alignment Workshop – this workshops takes pieces from my career in a corporate human resources environment and infuses yoga practices and concepts to help participants truly understand who they are and what drives them to create a more aligned and fulfilling life. When I lost my job, I realized I was personally living completely out of alignment, and it was making me unhealthy in a lot of ways. Creating this business and a life I love has inspired me to help other people do the same. So many people just fall into a life, a career, a pattern and never look outside of it. This workshops challenges that mindset.
I am also very much known for my plant knowledge! Keeping plants has been a hobby for about 25 years. Any time I sell a plant to someone, I spend a lot of time understanding how they will care for it, what the conditions are in their home, and what they have had success with and challenges in the past – I educate them on the plant they choose so they are very clear on its needs. I also send them home with instructions and will support them if anything starts to go wrong.
Growth is the bottom line here. I specialize in growth.
Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
As far as networking my advice is to try everything (as long as it’s aligned). If someone wants to meet, say yes. If you’re invited to something, go. Create your own opportunities. Invite yourself. Turn over every rock.
Invest in people. Get to know them. See how you can help them first and most importantly. When meeting with someone, always have the mindset of “How can I help you” rather than “How can you help me?” – a rising tide lifts all boats.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.flowsandgrows.com
- Instagram: @flows.and.grows
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flowsandgrowsCLE
Image Credits
Flows & Grows