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Conversations with FROG ABOVE LLC ®

Today we’d like to introduce you to FROG ABOVE LLC ®.  

Hi ladies, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourselves.
Hello, we are Tamiko Brown, CEO, and Talibah Brown, COO.  We are the sisters behind FROG ABOVE LLC. ®, which is an acronym for “Forever Rely on God Above.”

FROG ABOVE is a faith-based athleisure wear company that was born out of tragedy.  However, it was those tragedies that inspired us to want to spread the word that with God, you CAN heal, you CAN see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Our mission is to motivate people to “Frog Above” and not give up, as they work towards whole fitness.  By “whole fitness” we mean becoming fit in every aspect of life (emotionally, spiritually, mentally, financially, and physically).

We hope that everyone who sees, and/or wears Frog Above, will be encouraged and empowered to overcome any obstacle!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The path has been a bumpy one.  While we both are educated and have a Master’s in Business Administration, entrepreneurship was new to us.  We understand how business works, but it’s much different when you’re the business vs. when you’re a full-time employee at an established organization.  Neither of us had firsthand experience in building a brand, product development, or e-commerce.  We literally were just winging it! LOL

We often felt like imposters at local events or vendor shops.  We would see so many small businesses who seemed like they really had their “you know what” together, LOL.  We know that that did not come without huge sacrifice, time, energy, money, and struggle.  Many had taken the leap and left their day jobs or long-term careers to focus solely on their business.  We still work full-time in our careers, and often struggle with putting in the amount of time necessary to advance Frog further.  

Although we have had some difficulties to overcome, we also know who our God is; and He is greater than any obstacle we may face!  We’re up for the challenge because we know we have high quality products, but most importantly, a great message!!! 

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Our biggest goal is to encourage people that they can make it through whatever trials they are facing.  Because being active is a proven way to reduce stress, release endorphins, and change your mood/attitude, we chose to spread that message using fitness apparel.  

However, we’re practical too, and like to look cute, LOL!  So, we focused on athleisure wear.  This way, our customers can look good, whether lounging around the house, running errands, or at the gym.  

We take pride in the quality of our garments.  We want women to be confident that they will be snatched, compressed, lifted, and supported, in all the right areas! 

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Empathy.  While this is can be hard to manage at times, we believe it is our empathy that makes us passionate about FROG.  Because we have both experienced very traumatic situations that could have broken us; we know how hard it is to pick yourself up and go on.  We want to be the company/brand that encourages people to do just that!  There will be ups and downs in your pursuit to overcome whatever obstacle you may be facing.  But, that little phrase “Frog Above” serves as a reminder that you’re not alone, and that God can and will see you through.


  • Sports Bra – $5 – $45
  • Leggings – $5 – $45
  • Tanks & Tees – $5 – $20

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