Today we’d like to introduce you to Morgan Dyer.
Hi Morgan, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I’ve always been really passionate about fashion—particularly plus size fashion. For a while, I was a personal stylist for plus size men and women and really loved to change the way plus-size people saw themselves in the mirror. That’s why I started my Instagram page. I wanted to give plus-size men and women a safe space to be able to feel like they were seen. I wanted people to know that beauty goes beyond size. I started curating body-positive content in the beginning, which quickly evolved to more of a fashion space. I love being able to use my platform to inspire plus-size individuals of all ages, shapes, and sizes to live their best life beyond the limits that society sets for plus-size individuals.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Not at all. I’ve received hate from a lot of people, body shaming me. The worst part though is the judgment from people I know in real life. People who I used to be friends with chose to turn a blind eye when I started my creative journey. When I became successful, is when people started to come out of the woodwork. Social media in itself is a lot to deal with. Juggling mental health with it is also hard. I’ve seen social media turn people into absolute monsters, just when they have like 20,000 followers. Social media clout is a hard thing to navigate as well for sure.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am a plus-size fashion content creator who specializes in body positivity content. I collaborate with brands and create content to inspire others
What matters most to you?
Happiness for sure. For me, social media and my creative space is something that brings me happiness. And when it doesn’t, I choose to take a step back from it. I think for me, being happy will always outweigh any sort of other things I have going on and I think it’s important for creatives to be able to identify when their creative venture is no longer bringing them happiness and how to navigate it back into a peaceful, happy space.
Contact Info:
- Instagram:
Image Credits
Morgan DiFucci Photography
Ava Grace Zietlow Photography
Nick Davis Photography
Sad Dad Photography
Zoe’s Heart Photography