Today we’d like to introduce you to Tracy Pugh.
Hi Tracy, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hi, my name is Tracy, Owner of Tracy’s Eat Off The Floor Cleaning Service, a service for Residential and Commercial cleans, that offers organizational skills. My business got started 3 years ago I was visiting my brother to clean his home of course.
My brother has a wife and 3 teenage children, they are always on the go and don’t have time to clean like they want to. My brother is an Entrepreneur himself, the owner of Go(o)d Company apparel located in Cincinnati, Ohio. I’m telling you this because I want you to know his mindset… So, back to the story.. while cleaning, my brother threw this idea in my head… He said why don’t you start your own cleaning business, you like to clean and you are sooo good at… I have always had the energy and Love for cleaning. At first, I said No… but then I went home gave it some thought, called him up the next day, and said Ok! Let’s do it… I said what will we name it? We both threw some names out there, but then he said Tracy’s Eat Off The Floor Cleaning Service. I said..What? He said, you need something catchy, something people can remember. I said OK… But in my mind I was thinking this business is not going anywhere!… Oh!!! But it has, perfect example of you don’t know what you have in you, until someone brings it out of you.We produced a commercial/ video introducing myself and my Business,presented to Social media (FB) and from there my business began to flourish.
My service is for anyone that can benefit from a great clean, ex specially the elderly because they cant clean like they use to and then you have the families on the go, they dont have the time. Thats where I come in, I can offer my customers a fair price for an excellent clean.I can also save them time, and time is the one thing that is limited to each individual. I can create a space of Peace , enjoyment and relaxation , And who wouldn’t want that. ( laughing)… The other day, I was at a clean, and the customer comes through the door, and she yells “Tracy here! ( I smiled) because she said, I can smell the clean coming through the door. Now I don’t know if she had a bad day or not! But what I do know is, she was smiling and happy . And that’s what I want my customers to feel, and to know that a clean space can bring you a peace of mind!!! …The service I provide doesn’t compare to what my customers say after their clean, they say things like, my house have never been cleaner or I’m so glad our paths crossed. My name means everything to me.. and I want to make sure my customers are satisfied. How am I different, from others, ….Because I care and I really love to clean, I go above and beyond I’m cleaning from the outside in.. Beginning with the front door to a customer home because that door represents their home and their home is a representation of who they are…and .I do it ,because it makes since to (laughing ) you can’t have a clean house and a dirty door( laughing)….Cleaning means more to me than getting paid for a service. I love what I do and I get a kick out of watching my customer’s faces light up from a job well done! My hours are flexible and I enjoy the rapport I have with all of my regular customers.
My business name is so funny to me Because people will reach out to me and say,” I wanna eat off my floor, and laugh, my brother was right! A name you can remember…
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Not so smooth!… Because I’m employed full-time on day shift, it has been challenging because most customers would prefer daytime cleans for their homes. Its also hard attending business workshops and other classes that may be offered during the day as well. Having a business does not mean that you know how to run one. Trying to seek out the right people and resources is one of the biggest challenges. I recently applied to Mortar Academy for entrepreneurs here in Cincinnati Ohio In hopes of gaining more knowledge and resources in regards to my business.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you
I enjoy cleaning ! I love a clean and organized space whether its my home or office. When I come home and my place is clean and organized, my brain feels organized, I can think so much clearer A clean space is like Fresh air to me…. And thats what I what to bring to my customers. A clean space of peace A place where you can relax from a hard day!
Do you have any advice for those looking to network or mentor?
Good question! I’m going to be honest because I never really thought that having a mentor would be of value to me! But boy was I wrong! ( laughing) I have a great mentor that I can talk with, look up to and know that he will guide me in the right direction. Outside of my family where both of my brothers are successful entrepreneurs. I use the websites, word of mouth, yard signs, business cards and brochures to get my business in the reach of potential customers. And most importantly, working around other entrepreneurs can give u so many opportunities and insight, when it comes to growing your business. I realize This is not easy work! You are always thinking about your business 24-7 It takes a lot of your time and energy ..But remember to Never give up on what you want, for yourself, work hard at it and be consistent!…… With lots of prayers.
- My deep cleans ranges from 200-
- My regular cleans from 100 –
- Depending on house size, apts, condos etc
Contact Info:
- Website: www.tracyseatoffthefloorcleaningservice.com
- Facebook: Tracy pugh