Today we’d like to introduce you to Shawn Coss.
Hi Shawn, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My name is Shawn Coss, I’ve been a professional artist and business owner for the last 15 years. Born in the UK as a military brat, I moved around a bit before settling in Ohio when I was around 8 years old. I had always wanted to do art in any form since I was in diapers but growing up in the Midwest, the idea of being a creator in art or content is seen as nothing more than a pipe dream and if I was smart, I’d go to college or work a regular 9-5.
Like many, my family struggled daily. When we lived in West Virginia, my dad would take MRE’s (Meals ready to eat) from the military base to be able to feed us. We’d have to wrap toys that we already owned so that we had gifts to open on Christmas. You know, Tiny tim shit. Though we struggled financially for so long, my parents would always do whatever it took to provide for us. Eventually we moved to Ohio when my parents took on a 6-figure debt from my great uncle to take over his janitorial business. My parents would work from 6am to 7pm every day just to make ends barely meet, and at the same time really instilling into my sister and I that “whatever it takes” mentality.
After I graduated, I pursued a nursing career and at the same time I met Kris Wilson of Cyanide and Happiness, an online webcomic with a massive 10 million fans, who offered me a position as a cartoon artist that would travel the country doing improv drawing events at comic cons as well as be a part of their cartoon show. It was then, my eyes had opened to the idea that I could make a real living off of artwork. And if that wasn’t enough trying to balance a nursing career and a cartoon career, I met Michael Nemitz at a local rock show where I was doing my first ever art gallery where he convinced me to create his album artwork for his upcoming hip hop album.
Through similar interests in music and mma, we became very close friends who shared a lot of the same love for art.
A few years later Michael had asked me if I wanted to start a clothing brand, which I said no to multiple times, but due to his persistence, he wore me down and convinced me to front $200 for our first-ever t-shirt run that we had sold out of within minutes of our first event. From that day on, we decided to pursue a brand based on my artwork, with zero business background or any idea of how to run a business. That was around 2012. In 2016, everything changed and when I consider when the clothing brand, Any Means Necessary, really started off.
In 2016 I created a series of artwork based off mental illness that blasted my name all over the globe where my art was featured on Buzzfeed, Huffington post, boredpanda, and various other new outlets. That influx of new fans and supporters gave myself and Michael the confidence to take our brand seriously and we hit the ground running.
Fast forward to the last 3 years we’ve done over 3.5 million dollars in sales on our website, and I’ve been living the dream of being a working artist who has no boss.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Not smooth at all. Telling people in Ohio that you are an artist / content creator/ youtuber or anything outside a normal office, factory, medical, etc., etc. they look at you odd and always tend to ask you what your real job is. My Dad was no different. When I told him I wanted to quit nursing to pursue art he told me not to be an idiot, which sounds harsh, but I know he just didn’t want me to fall into the same struggles as he did.
On top of that, when my mental health series came out, with all the praise and new followers I had gained I gained an equal amount of hate and people wishing me to die. So that was fun.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I do art in all forms but mostly digital as I create art mostly for my clothing brand. I’m mostly known for my mental illness series, Inktober Illness which is a collection of mental health behaviors drawn in a darker style.
I’m most proud of creating a career on my art and my visions that allows me to provide for my family and inspire my kids to chase their own dreams.
What makes you happy?
My kids and my wife. Through all the hard times, my wife Stephanie as always tuck by my side and always there to support me when I’m in my darkest moments. My kids are my everything, they inspire me to never give up and to keep showing them that you can achieve your dreams through hard work.
Contact Info:
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