Today we’d like to introduce you to John McGrath.
Hi John, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I’ve always drawn. As far back as I remember I created things, with pencils and paper, or bricks and paint. When I was 14, I started drawing tattoo designs for a family friend of my mother’s. He tattooed but had me design them based on images and ideas he showed me. He was not on a professional level. That went on for less than a year and came to an end when he didn’t want to follow up with paying me. A few years later, it was the summer between junior and senior year of high school. An uncle had some tattoo equipment for sale. Very low-quality stuff, nothing crazy. I wasn’t sure what my next move was with graduating on the distant horizon. The options were architecture or automotive design. Both would take me far from home. At the time, my family life was not the usual happy family. My mom was depressed, in and out of the hospital, and having her issues with drinking. I’m the oldest, and only son of what was a house full woman, and girls. My mother Helen, my sister Hailie, and two cousins, Mary and Ashley. My mother had custody over my cousins since a very young age. My father has almost never been in the picture and only had glimpses of father figures at those times. With all that given, college seemed not logical, I felt like I need to stay for my sister and mom. I was selling a little weed like every young person finding a way at one time or another. My Mother with all her flaws is an amazing person and has guided me in her own way. She was the one who told me to buy the tattoo supplies off of my uncle and give it a shot. I think she knew I needed to find a way for myself to survive and express myself artistically. My mom was the first person I ever tattooed. She brought me all my first-year clients, her friends from the bars, and such. Fast forward and I stayed tattooing on the side while jumping job to job after graduating high school in 09. Tattooed on the side while working a 40-58 hr. a week job. Had my own place, and car and decide to Tattoo full-time in 2014. I grinded it out and tattooed for other people’s shops until I decide to open my own in 2020. I currently have a private studio located in the heart of downtown Cleveland. It’s the first step in a much bigger plan.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
I’ve experienced my fair share of obstacles in every aspect of my life. I fell in love with a childhood friend. She had a 1-year-old son named Jason. We were together from just before his 1st birthday, to just after his 6th. She passed away in 2016. I continue to look over him like the son I feel he is. My only real obstacles are only the sacrifices I have made and continue to make, in spending time with the people I love. The only way to build something from nothing is to work hard. But it takes a toll on relationships. Relationships with friends, and family.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m an Artist. In terms of making a living, I’m a Tattoo Artist. I don’t like to think I specialize in any one style. I take pride in being well-rounded within a wheelhouse of styles. I try to help the everyday person meet their goals for their own self-image. I would like to think the versatility I bring to the table, is what sets me apart from others. I also built a lot of an earlier following free handing tattoos on the spot from just looking images.
Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
Yea, don’t let your own mind hold you back. Go all in, and learn as much as possible. Soak it all in, don’t think your way is the only way. And always remember, clients are doing you the favor trusting you. You are not above the client. Tattoos are a luxury item, not a necessity. There will be slow times, so be prepared.
Contact Info:
- Website: Mcgrathtattoo.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/jmcgrathtattoo?utm_medium=copy_link