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Check Out Elizabeth Morris’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Morris. 

Hi Elizabeth, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
In 2017, I bought my first tarot deck off of Amazon. It was the Miss Cleo deck. I knew I wanted to learn tarot, but all I knew of that world was a warm, cheerful voice shouting, “call me now!” I didn’t connect to it at all, and it took me finding Modern Witch tarot to really get into my journey as it is today. Even prior to that, I’ve always enjoyed acquiring and sharing knowledge. The more I learned about tarot, the more I could use it as a tool to help people, the happier and more fulfilled I was on my own path. I started reading for others — first kind friends and family who let me practice, and then for free for strangers. It’s kind of like cutting your teeth. You don’t just buy a deck of cards and start charging people for readings, or at least you shouldn’t. And then with time, and practice, and my own spiritual development, things just kind of clicked. Now I’m doing reading events, tarot workshops, authoring an oracle deck… I just can’t believe how far it’s come. When I bought my $7 Miss Cleo deck, I had no idea where this path was going to take me. Now, I can’t wait to see where it takes me next. 

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Like I previously mentioned, there is a lot of growth that has to happen to be a confident, successful reader. I had to do a lot of shadow work and spiritual growth; I had to really build my confidence in my skill set, I had to read countless books and authors on the topic of cartomancy, divination, the Rider-Waite Smith system, and of course, I had to do hands-on development with peers and clients. I still have people in my life who don’t believe in the path I’m on, and I have come to terms with that being their own perspective and that it has nothing to do with me. I’ve built up a supportive community around me, I don’t need to waste my time or energy with forcing my experience on someone else. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a tarot reader. I also do workshops, writing, etc., on the topic of cartomancy, divination, and whatever this eclectic witchcraft path I’m on would be considered. I approach tarot and working with spirit from a secular viewpoint because I don’t believe the idea of divination or energy work or whatever you want to call it necessitates a faith or religious alignment. I’m actually the worst kind of witch; you’d find me banging pots and yelling “I’m the witch get out!” before you spotted me doing some beautiful banishing ceremony. I’ve never been very subtle or graceful. 

Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
Just fighting to survive has been a bit of a risk as it is. From childhood to now, pretty much every step of the way I’ve had to blaze my own path, often without a sense of community or support. As a Leo Sun and Moon, it’s probably better that way. With Solar Moon Sisters, after I got the confidence to really put my brand out there, it’s been pretty risky to engage as a professional member of my community. Religious persecution is still very real, and even as a secular practitioner, there is still prejudice. We did Halloween on the Green this year, and I just remember feeling all of the Imposter Syndrome about having a booth and handing out candy to kids like some wholesome member of the community. We were next to a church booth, and I was nervous about that due to my own religious trauma, but they were all really kind and welcoming. People really seemed interested in learning more about us, and there wasn’t any pearl-clutching. I do actually have a really amazing sense of community now, and I’m really grateful for that. I’m still probably doing things that are considered risky, but I’m just going for it because I know that even if I fail, it’s a part of the process. 


  • $25: 15 minutes
  • $50: 30 minutes
  • Special events: $75/hr plus travel cost

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Image Credits

Elizabeth Morris
Bekki Rennick

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