Today we’d like to introduce you to Aboubacry Thiam.
Hi Aboubacry, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
I am originally from West Africa Senegal. I came to the U.S as a refugee and received my citizenship in 2014. I adapted to the creative culture quickly and found some interest within fashion and videography. I then expanded into cinematography and started directing my own short films (1 Take Films), creating my own social clubs (Misfit Skaters), and clothing brand (Brain Matter) with my best friend and creative partner Romain Mayambi (A very talented photographer and fashion enthusiast).
I started getting into filming and editing by tagging along to my best friends’ shoots and recording the behind-the-scenes on my phone. After posting the BTS on how models and Romain captures his beautiful shots, people became invested and asked me to film more. I bought a camera and within 4 years of consistent shooting and practice, I became a self-taught videographer.
Currently, I run my own clothing, skating, video/photo business. I am a part-time career and college consultant/counselor for seniors in Cincinnati Public Highs schools and Middle Schools. I also host free social events for University of Cincinnati students or anyone who is interested in sport events, free food, and social networking events.
As a graduate from the University of Cincinnati with an international relations degree, I always had an interest in helping refugees like myself or anyone in need. I feel the same when I capture moments with my camera, sharing someone else’s story in motion form, watching the process it took to get there.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Over the years, I’ve noticed some obstacles that I had to overcome. It took me a while to learn that I was my own obstacle, maintain my health became my challenge. I tend to overpush myself which has affected my health negatively.
I love to multi-task and get my hands on anything within my interest, causing me to be very social and very active within my busy life. I pick up hobbies quickly and invest my time in other people’s projects or find ways to help others when I am simply asked for advice or guidance.
I had to relearn to eat, sleep, and limit myself because 3-4 hours a sleep yearly is not beneficial for my health. I believe that creators tend to be overwhelmed and stressed within their own world, having tunnel vision of their numerous responsibilities that burden themselves within maintaining a stable and functioning life (this is just my theory).
I’ve gotten much better at maintaining my health, so no worries at the moment!
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I prioritize content creation and short films based on fashion. I like to think of myself as a cinematographer or a videographer. I love working on set, scriptwriting, directing, modeling, and acting.
I would like to think I specialize in creative directing and filming and am known for my ability to bring people together by social networking with everyone. I am lucky enough to be trusted to the point where I can have 200 people involved in my projects without worrying about paying everyone since we all get compensated by networking. I cater to everyone and myself with my creation to help benefit the creative space.
So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
I usually get a lot of support through word of mouth since information shared by a close friend or family is more trustworthy than an advertisement sent. Most of the people I work with or had the chance to work with me usually know me through mutuals or by simply reaching out.
Contact Info:
- Email: zielraion@gmail.com
- Instagram: PERSONAL: @call_me_leo_ FILM PAGE: @1takefilms_ BUSINESS PAGE: @New_Oasis
- SoundCloud: {Call Me Tenzo}
- Other: Spotify Call Me Tenzo