Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Prine.
Hi Jennifer, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I was working for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber when I randomly picked up a camera. I do have a design background. I went to DAAP for Urban Planning but photography was new for me. In the beginning, I used it as a creative outlet. I’m the emotional type who has always needed an outlet and art of any kind was that for me.
I somehow managed to find the self-portrait artist’s community on Flickr. They were EXTREMELY encouraging and empowering and taught me so much about photography.
My friends at the Chamber began to notice that I was quite the natural behind the lens and before I knew what was happening, they had me photographing EVERYTHING! I photographed major festivals such as Oktoberfest and Taste of Cincinnati as well as all the business and networking events. I eventually went freelance and expanded my list of commercial and media clients.
Honestly, I would not have gotten where I am without the Chamber’s help fostering my talent. I also learned the ins and outs of running a business at the Chamber.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It was a relatively smooth road up until the beginning of 2016. I was confronted with things that concerned my safety and that didn’t bode well within my community. My network was most definitely the ego-stroking types that didn’t welcome criticism.
COVID also impacted business events etc. in a major way. We got hit hard considering everyone was now working from home and wearing masks. Events were also on a major HOLD.
It did give me time to get more strategic about who I wanted to work with considering I am a key component in helping them with their advertising and branding. I decided that I would only work with the businesses whose mission statement I get fully behind. For example, Metro, which is our public transit system, is one of those organizations that I fully support. It also suits my urban planning background.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I AM a commercial photographer who specializes in archetypes, advertising, and branding. I work best with people and using an archetype for headshot sessions. If they haven’t done this before we have a consultation prior to the shoot. I also photograph business events. For example, I recently photographed a major networking event with a guest speaker. Working a room is most definitely one of my specialties. I suppose you cannot work at the Chamber of Commerce for as long as I did and not come out with that skill.
We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you?
The day I was looking through the job ads for my ex-husband and randomly found this tiny little job description for the Chamber of Commerce would likely be considered lucky. I was not looking for myself nor even on the job hunt but it definitely was meant for me!
Beyond that most of everything else has been intuition as well as my ability to network.
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