Today we’d like to introduce you to Greg Hill
Hi Greg, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
It all started for me at a very young age. My father is a music lover, drummer and guitar player, so my siblings and I were constantly exposed to music. My Dad also taught me how to play the drums, and when my hands were big enough, guitar too! The years went on, and I taught myself how to sing (kind of) and play piano.
As a teenager, I started to get really into recording my music. We had an iMac as the family computer, so I unplugged it, brought it to my room, started GarageBand, and got to work. I had very little equipment to work with, but I had about a dozen songs, my guitar, and a USB microphone. Very quickly, my first project took shape. I was also old enough to play at bars and coffee shops in town, so I got to test these new songs out to a real crowd – a very rewarding experience at a young age.
In college, I was still obsessed with writing and recording music. I eventually met a good friend and guitar player, and we started a band. We put a single out on Soundcloud and it got 2000 plays. We thought we made it! A few years pass, the band had grown, released 2 EPs, and planned our very first East Coast tour. Unfortunately, COVID took over, and all of our plans were cancelled. Things very quickly ended with the band, and I, still itching to make music, kept writing and recording my own material.
From then to the present, I’ve released a handful of singles and an EP that really started to resonate with people! I’ve had the luxury of promoting those works by playing shows constantly all around the state, reaching new fans online, and building new connections to make my music the best it can be. I am working on an album, but that’s definitely going to take some time. Until then, there will be more music from me coming this year.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Ultimately, no it hasn’t. I’ve faced numerous challenges along the way, from dropping out of college, moving to different cities, changing jobs, starting new relationships, maintaining old ones – it’s a lot. Trying to stay creative and motivated is a challenge in and of itself, but I think the whole point is to have those struggles in between the fun and creative times.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer and solo artist. My music is a blend of indie rock and pop. The thing I feel that sets me apart is my ability to write, record and perform every element that goes into my songs. I then take those tracks I record, and recreate them live. I’m a drummer first, so getting to turn myself into a “band” is super exciting to me. I’m most proud of the community I’m starting to build. It’s very humbling to be even a small part of people’s worlds.
Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
Voice memos is my most used app by a mile. If I have an idea, I don’t wanna lose it, so I have a shortcut on my phone to record quickly. Outside of that, a thesaurus goes a long way when trying to find the right word to sing!
Journaling has definitely helped keep me grounded, and I’ve been known to draw in between pages.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://blinkblankblu.bandcamp.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blinkblankblu/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gregthillmusic
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@blinkblankblu