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Conversations with Makena Horn

Today we’d like to introduce you to Makena Horn

Hi Makena , it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
When I was a child I experienced many years of battling chronic illnesses. I had rare auto-immune disorders that branched out to many symptoms that still affect me today.

Before that period of time I recall having a deep connection to the natural world, it was almost like a remembering for me as a child. Its wasn’t something that anyone was teaching me but I remember just knowing that there was something there in the natural bounds of the earth that just needed tapping into. I remember looking to the flowers and the trees just waiting for them to whisper something to me. I remember going to the local natural food store with my aunt and bringing home little bags of dried herbs, not having a clue what to do with them but just knowing they held some sort of magic, and I wanted it.

As I journeyed through those sufferings I do not ever remember feeling fearful though many around me spoke of that mortal coil. I remember seeing the ill effect of that on my parents. They sadly suffered from the disease of addiction and watching a child battle in such a way was very difficult for my mother.

After a remission took place I began a bit of a soul searching phase if you will, trying to develop who I was as an individual, it was short lived. After about 6 years of freedom illness returned and has stayed. I was diagnosed with an irreversible auto-immune disorder in 2007.

After this diagnosis I did experience a period of hopelessness, as shortly after my mother had then also passed away in 2009. This is where I began my own journey of substance abuse. Heavily prescribed pharmaceutical pain medication coupled with deep grief did me no favors and I allowed it to wash over me and swallow me whole. I did not resurface for 6 years.

I was awakened again and sought help. After the first year of recovery, I realized that I still had fresh grief and chronic illness to contend with no matter how far I tried to run. So I went to yoga. I was amazed what I could to for myself just by tuning in and moving.

I wanted to heal myself.

And I did. For seven years I solely focused on therapeutic practices to heal my spirit and my mind and I wanted to give it back to others. So I also got my yoga teacher certificate.

As I began to age and my body followed so did physical discomfort. I was looking down the barrel of physical dysfunction again and couldn’t bare the thought. I knew there was something different I could do for myself. I suddenly remembered that little girl that was so enthralled with all those herbs and the magic hidden within. So I began to study and I learned to support my physical body through the natural world.

I felt safe again, supported by the ultimate mother, I felt hopeful that there was another doorway, another solution and I wanted to learn. I found a program to teach me all I craved to know about what medicines the earth provides us and I want to share that old lost wisdom with all that need it so badly.

I cannot wait to see where this path leads, I want to grow, to heal myself, the earth our communities, so that once again we can all hear the language of the flowers and the trees so that we may all share our medicine with each other.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
The road has not been smooth, anything worth doing is a challenge. Without struggle we do not grow. Natural medicine is still met with great hesitation and lack of support. There is no regulations for it, no accreditation, lacking in clinical trials so forth. It’s all self study, out of pocket, and digging and digging for research that may or may not be there. A lot of it is trial and error.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am an ever learning herbalist. A student of the plants. I specialize in herbal offerings that are accessible to all communities with an emphasis to those communities that are in recovery from substance abuse. That is what I am most proud of.

We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
All of this is a huge risk. My husband and I don’t make much money, this year has been especially hard but I invested because I feel like the mission is worth it. I feel like the world is over prescribed and we have an obligation to ourselves to become accountable for our health on the home front.This is an empowerment that I want to teach people that we can grow our own health in our backyards and cure our colds and ails in our kitchens. So I have paid for the schooling and all of the equipment out of pocket, bought all of the vendor equipment. It doesn’t matter if I don’t make a lot of money off of the product, I will keep going and keep learning and keep teaching because the world needs to heal, we are all worth the investment.


  • Glycerites $20-$45
  • Salves and Balms $15
  • Oil infusions $10-$20
  • Oxymels $20-$45
  • Teas $5-$10

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