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Check Out Megan Higgins’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Megan Higgins

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I was a person who always liked art, but I didn’t really have time for it in my high school schedule because I was also doing music so it always took a back burner to everything else. I thought about studying art in college, but I didn’t think art could be a profession so I opted to study something else instead. Again, letting art take the back burner. It wasn’t until I moved to Austria that I found some more free time and got into creating digital art that I really was able to develop my skills as an artist. It started as a hobby that I really enjoyed, but as I kept working, I realized I was improving and that feeling of improvement was addicting so I just kept pushing and pushing to get better and better at my craft. With time, I realized that my work really fit with what children’s book illustrators were doing so I started developing my work in that direction. Eventually, I applied to my dream agency and when they offered me a place as one of their illustrators I was over the moon. Once I joined with them, I started working professionally as an illustrator taking on book projects and other projects with art and illustrations aimed at kids. It’s hard to believe that this is a thing I get to do for work and I count myself very lucky, but I also know I worked very hard to get here.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road isn’t always smooth, but it’s not always bumpy either. I’ve always had a confidence that if I just work hard enough, things will usually work out alright and this seems to help. I think the hardest part about illustration is that it can be lonely. It’s a job that you do alone and you don’t always have a community around you to bounce ideas off of or get feedback from. Sometimes it’s also just hard to find other people doing the same thing you’re doing since everyone is kind of working at home. There are a lot of good things about illustration, but it can also be scary to not know if a new job will be coming in. It can feel like a lot of chance sometimes and that can be anxiety inducing, hoping someone will love your work and want to hire you.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m a children’s illustrator, but I also work full time as a high school art and design teacher. I think my daily life as a teacher can be very busy and active so when I do create, a lot of my work has very calming vibes. I think it is a way to find my own way back to a peaceful state after a full day. My main area of focus is whimsical, magical nature filled art, finding the beauty and peace in everyday moments. I’m most proud of finding my way in this illustration world and working hard to make it happen.

What makes you happy?
So many things make me happy. It’s difficult to know where to start. I think my main area of happiness stems from my family and friends. There is nothing better than sharing time with others and being present in moments with the people I care about most. I love trying new things or getting up to old things, as long as I am spending it with the people who make me feel the most me. This is the central source of happiness for me. In addition to friends and family, I love the outdoors. A good walk, run, bike ride or other outdoor activity helps me find balance. I’m also a big fan of cozy indoor activities. I love playing a video game, watching a series or reading a book especially on a cold rainy day. And lastly, I get a lot of joy from working with my students. They keep me up to date on what is happening in the world and the interactions I get to have with them on a daily basis helps bring new inspiration and keep me feeling inspired.

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