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Community Highlights: Meet Abigail Rodenburgh of Mothering Method

Today we’d like to introduce you to Abigail Rodenburgh

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
With a background as a Research Analyst, I quickly found it more difficult to do research as a mom than for my job. It seemed literature and the internet were filled with outdated research that was often unfounded, flawed, or self interested. The only way I could find solid, accurate information was to directly read and analyze studies or to dive down rabbit holes of one expert referring another. After talking to many other moms, I realized I was not alone. So many of us felt like we had to spend hours scouring the internet to figure out what was going on with our kids, even those with backgrounds like nursing.

In modern times many of us don’t have a village of women skilled in all aspects of motherhood supporting us. We shouldn’t have to spend hours scouring pubmed or asking for one referral after another just to find out what is going on with us and our families. That’s a large reason why I started my business, to help connect women to a village of support.

As time passed I found the support piece that was missing for many moms was nutrition. I grew up in a household where making food was an act of love. I found myself diving into postpartum nutrition and focusing on feeding mom’s better.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The biggest struggle has been figuring out all the logistics of a food business for postpartum women.

One of my services is “Labor and Delivery” where I deliver food to women in labor. It was very difficult to figure out all of the moving parts to get the food to them and keep it cold, for an event that you do not know when it will happen.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Mothering Method is focused on nourishing women so that they can mother. Whether its helping them learn to chart their cycles so that they can conceive, feeding them nourishing foods, or full doula care postpartum, I really focus on “mothering the mother”,

When I started my business I did not have plans to teach a Fertility Awareness Method, although it was something I used myself. However I found there were really not any local resources for women to learn, especially in a method that has studied efficacy postpartum. I decided to become an instructor in Billings Ovulation Method, and it has been extremely rewarding. I have only been teaching about 4 months, and I have already had several situations where the woman charting learns so much about her body, often that she suspected but doctor’s dismissed. I really love the way that it empowers women to know their bodies. Now I am able to help women address their reproductive issues and if its their goal, get pregnant.

I teach newborn and postpartum classes, which is really valuable to get women thinking about the postpartum period before they are in it. so much planning goes into the birth and things the baby “needs” that women often forget about themselves. When mom is taken care of, baby is taken care of. I really like to flip the script and get women thinking about who is going to take care of them postpartum and how do they get the support they need.

I am most proud of my “Fill Your Freezer” events. They bring women together to make meals that are truly nourishing for their postpartum. It is a really great to see the women have a place to just talk to others in a similar part of life, and get to take home 2-3 weeks of meals at the end.

In late 2024/early 2025 I will be launching a local postpartum meal delivery service. Women will be able to receive fresh meals, tailored for postpartum recovery, every week.

Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
Talk to the people you want to be like or who inspire you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people who are doing the same thing, but somewhere else. Most people are happy to talk about themselves, their journey, and struggles, you just have to ask.

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