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Small Business of the Day: Conversations with LeeAnn DiTomaso & Samantha Paros

Today’s Small Business of the Day features an interview with LeeAnn DiTomaso & Samantha Paros. Please find our conversation below.

We’re so inspired by the hard work and creativity of the small businesses that serve as the engines of our communities. Thank you so much for taking the risk and doing what you do. Before we go any further we’d love for you to tell our readers a bit about Access S2C.
Access S2C is a Spelling to Communicate center located in Cleveland, Ohio. Spelling to Communicate is a method of communication for individuals who struggle using speech as their primary form of communication. S2C focuses on gross motor skills rather than fine motor. We teach the skills necessary to point to letters on a letterboard/keyboard as an alternate means of communication. Once our Spellers reach open communication, they can express their true needs/wants. It is a beautiful thing!

Are there some clients who are your brand’s MVP’s – give them a shoutout and tell us about the impact they’ve had on your brand
Access S2C would not be where it is today without the help, support, and patience of every parent who has walked through our door. We are grateful to have a wonderful and open-minded group of families who trust and acknowledge the beauty that happens at Access S2C each and every day. Our families have been sharing our information with other families who could potentially benefit from our services. We have found that word of mouth is huge in this growing community! Thank you Access Families 🙂

Access S2C’s real MVP’s are our Spellers! They are teaching US every single day! Every single Speller holds a special place in our hearts. We are inspired and honored to work with you all <3

Alright, before we go, let’s do a quick lightning round.

Favorite book?
Underestimated: An Autism Miracle

Favorite movie?

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