Today we’d like to introduce you to Julie Whitney.
Julie, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I wrote Astra The Lonely Airplane, a rhyming children’s picture book, after my husband’s job as Chief Pilot of a corporate jet came to a grinding halt during the COVID-19 pandemic. I sat her beautiful interior one last time and openly wept, feeling sick to my stomach wondering what would become of her, and how long she would in the hangar before being flown again. To top it all off, I turned 60 during the pandemic, and instead of celebrating in Italy, I had to settle for a zoom pizza party in my backyard. Although I have promoted countless authors during my 30+ year public relations career, I never dreamt that I would become an author. This tragedy inspired me to write a children’s book series about Astra, a beautiful Gulfstream jet, and her pilot Captain Dan. I am still running my busy public relations practice, but this unexpected second career has turned out to be highly rewarding, in ways that I had not imagined!
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find a publisher willing to work with me. I got dozens of rejection letters but kept on persisting. I signed the contract with Brandylane Publishers/Belle Isle Books on August 19, 2020 which is National Aviation Day, and also the same day that my husband found a new job! The stars were clearly aligned for both of us.
I also didn’t realize how much work publishing a children’s picture book is. There are endless rounds of edits to the manuscript with your project manager. And because my book rhymes, I had to make the necessary edits and keep the rhyming “spot on,” which is particularly challenging. As the plot changes, you have to develop clever, rhyming verse to go along with it. Then you have to find the perfect illustrator who can capture the essence of your characters as you have envisioned them in your head.
My publisher provided me with a portfolio of illustrators that they work with, and then I had to narrow it down to three that were asked to submit preliminary sketches. Lucky for me I had taken hundreds of photos of my husband (Captain Dan) and Astra, so they had plenty of material to draw from. When I saw Michelle Simpson’s illustrations I got tears in my eyes and goosebumps down my arms. She had nailed both Captain Dan and Astra!
Next you have to provide varied detail art direction for each page for the illustrator, and go through very many rounds of edits until you have the final drawings.
Then there are more rounds of proofing everything again, until you finally receive a printer’s proof to sign off on.
Next comes six months of pre-promotion until the book release.
So I never realized that this entire process takes 18 months from beginning to end. The second book was a bit easier, as I knew what to expect.
We’ve been impressed with Phillippi-Whitney Communications LLC, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I have an extensive background in public relations, marketing and advertising that spans over 40 years. I have worked on both agency and client side and also in local television. I ventured out on my own, founding Phillippi-Whitney Communications LLC in 2000 and have never looked back. I have worked with clients in just about every industry, including, health care, fitness, legal, automotive, pet care and pet loss, authors, cemeteries, aquariums, tourist attractions, non-profits, and packaged goods. There really isn’t an industry that I have not touched in the 24 years since my company was founded.
I am known for knowing how to spin the story and who to pitch in order to land the story – whether in the traditional or digital media. I am also known for being upfront and honest with my clients and telling them if the story that they want to tell is not newsworthy. Reporters and producers have come to know me and trust me as well, and often come to me if they are looking for an expert source in a particular field.
I am always open to taking on new clients, and especially enjoy working with other small businesses and startups.
What are your plans for the future?
The third book, Astra’s Canine Rescue is already written, as is an animated streaming series with over 20 episodes. My biggest hope in the world right now is finding an agent to represent me in order to pitch the children’s streaming series to the networks. Astra takes kids across the U.S. and around the world with her new friends where they help others in times of need. Kids learn about philanthropy, traveling the U.S., foreign languages, foreign countries, and helping other people and animals. It truly is adorable and I very much hope that someone will read this and want to take a look at my proposal.
Contact Info:
- Website: astrathelonelyairplane.com and pwcommunications.net
- Instagram: @juliewhitneyauthor and @whitneyjulie
- Facebook: julie.phillippi.whitney and Bestcincyprpro
- Linkedin: phillippiwhitneycommunications
- Twitter: bestcincyprpro