Today we’d like to introduce you to Crown One
Hi, Crown One. I’m so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, how can you bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I started doing gospel music when I was 8 years old. I learned of the group Gospel Gangsters in 1999, and from that moment on, I was hooked. I wanted to share my faith in the genre of gospel rap. So, I wrote daily and worked at my craft as it paid off from level to level. I remember practicing in my parent’s home, and my mother would only let me do a show if I had my words memorized and my set choreographed. I performed my handful of songs at any event I could participate in, such as talent shows, family reunions, and community events. Over the next five years, I eventually signed an indie deal with God’s Chosen Records of Canton, OH, founded by Greg “Tri Beezy” McNeal. I didn’t know how to produce then but learned how to make and arrange from the A&R that discovered me (Devin “Styxx” Gilbert).
I developed my craft. I wrote songs and hooks, recorded with the label CEO, and worked with the producers on the team. I taught myself piano to a point and arrangements by ear. From then on, I made productions and beats for myself and others. I was forming King of Beats Entertainment (K.O.B.E. Entertainment) from 14-17, selling productions online under that name. At that time of my life, I made multiple beats every day and tried my best to hone in an industry-standard sound. I produced artists from as far away as Germany at that time through the internet. In my junior year of high school, I was a member of DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America), a marketing-focused student group that teaches business economics and acumen through roleplay-based competitions. I competed internationally for automotive services marketing in California and Kentucky during my senior year there. Working part-time and applying what I learned from those classes, I applied it to my label. Once, I interviewed with McGraw Hill about my label and was featured in Who’s Who the same year. Despite having this knowledge at Harvey S Firestone, founding my record company, I knew I needed a better education in music and entertainment.
I attended Full Sail University, earning my bachelor’s in Recording Arts and Engineering in 2013. While in Florida for four years, I traveled and performed in many places and learned a lot. I also became a better artist during this time, working with different talents in the area and recording them at my studio in Florida. Recording music at that time taught me how to produce an artist professionally, from studio to stage. I learned entertainment law, a new tier of professionalism and courtesy to apply to my work. God and music took me to perform in New York, Detroit, Chicago, and many other cities and states. I also gained pivotal work experience working with companies like ESPN, Walt Disney, SeaWorld, and traveling sound companies that showed me how to apply what I learned in college and, ultimately, the music I create and produce for others.
My journey started with an incident that drove me to purpose. I see the same potential I have and partner with them to excel in the passion God gave them. I now tour and travel with a team consisting of a full band and a DJ (DJ Counsel), going across the country and eventually the world. It all started with listening to my father’s CD by the Gospel Gangsters, “I Can See Now.” Now, I manage artists and help them bring their visions that God gave them musically to the marketplace with the same skill and drive that I have done all those years.
Alright, let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what challenges have you had to overcome?
The road has not been smooth, but through every bump, my God has smoothed my mind with peace and grace. I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since 1996 (age 5), and that came with so many struggles in itself. Learning how to inject and go from sweets to a balanced diet at such a young age and then learning how to administer my own medicine without assistance was a culture shock. Learning how to take care of not only my medical health and mental health was something I had to learn and stay consistent in to be effective in what I do now. In what many would call a curse, in some ways, it kept me from making bad decisions and introduced structure at a time when I needed to learn it the most. I didn’t always get that right initially, but through the years and management, I’ve been able to balance a healthy lifestyle, recording, mixing, and producing music for myself and others.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I specialize in music production, marketing, and performance. I’m known for high-energy shows without missing a lyric that I’ve written. Sometimes, I leave the stage and rap right in front of fans or next to them in their seat, and they enjoy the connection as much as I do. I’m honored by the joy on people’s faces who didn’t appreciate rap or Christian hip-hop until they heard me on the mic. What sets me apart is my writing style and performance; you’ll always leave with a message and experience.
Some of my lyrics are cryptic and are multi-layered in their layout. One layer may speak to a particular culture, scene, or event while the next conveys a spiritual context or biblical scripture, and then, at the same time, it addresses a former or upcoming lyric in the same frame. This is called an entendre, which is utilized in double or triple meanings. So whether you’re a casual or passionate listener, I’m known for creating safe music for all ears, relevant, informational, and, most importantly, enjoyable to a wide range of people. It’s one of the things that sets me apart from others.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Growing up, I was a bookworm who was passionate about basketball. I didn’t pick up music consistently at age 12 when I had to take a break due to a medical reason. So, I would always be found with a notebook, a pen, a thesaurus, and a dictionary in hand. When I wasn’t playing at the park, playing basketball, or hanging with friends, my days were spent reading books, studying words, and occasionally playing video games, but the constant for me was always music. I couldn’t escape it. From playing games like NBA Street Vol 1 and 2, Need for Speed Underground 1 & 2 to movies like Finding Forester, Shawshank Redemption, Juice, Poetic Justice, Above the Rim, and others I’d watch with my family. I was drawn to the music over any other piece of content attached to it. I know I was too young to see these films, but I come from a highly artistic and athletic family that appreciates music and sports. The years from 12-15 were formative for me in studying films, words, and music. When I was younger, I wanted to compose music for films.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://kpmusicrecords.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crownonesog/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CrownOneMusic
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrownOneSOG
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/KPMusicTV
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/crown-one-sog